Chapter 53 ~Zihui's special~

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Among the morning mist, under the wisterias, a woman in green clothes motionlessly let the wisteria fell on her. She smiled quietly.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Jin Luo and who are you?"


Every night, the little monk would suddenly open his eyes. An empty look.

The bright moonlight spilled through the window into the room, making the little monk's face seem a little pale. He rolled over and shrunk in the quilt. It was that dream again. It was that girl again. Every time he woke up, he would not be able to remember her name or her appearance. But in his heart, there was always an inexplicable familiar feeling as if he knew her.

"Well......Wu Nian1, did you dream again," the senior sleeping in the same bed as him asked. "Don't pull my quilt."

无念(Wúniàn): free of thoughts/ no longing. His name means that he didn't have anything he wants to remember.

Wu Nian muffled: "Sorry, senior."

He had a dreaming illness. He couldn't sleep well. Sometimes, he would wake up while shouting. His family thought he was possessed. Since his childhood, they took him to temple on the mountain to let him live there.

Every day after reciting the dharma, his illness would get a lot better. But occasionally, he would still wake up at night and couldn't remember the things he dreamed off. Just his heart would feel empty.

Early in the morning, after the morning classes finished, Fang Zhang called Wu Nian away. He commanded Wu Nian to go live at the back mountain and to help the elderly monk take care of the back of the mountain. Wu Nian nicely complied and in the afternoon, he picked up his things and went to the back of the mountain.

Outside of the house on the back of the mountain, there was a huge wisteria tree. No one knew which predecessor planted it. Kong Dao monk was already old and couldn't do many things anymore. All the things that needed to be done, needed to be taken care of the at the back of the mountain had been handed over to Wu Nian.

Wu Nian got this job, but he didn't work as sincere and good as before. He was always lost in thoughts while looking at the wisterias. For this reason, he didn't know how many slaps he had suffered.

Year after years, he observed the wisterias blooming and falling. Unconsciously ten years had passed. Kong Dao monk had passed away. He now lived alone at the back of the mountain. He slowly became from a little monk to a big monk.

That day, the wind was breezing and it was sunny. The wisterias were just blooming. A string of flowers poured down like waterfall. In the sunlight, it turned the yard in a dream like purple.

As usual, Wu Nian was holding a broom and looking up at the wisterias in a blankly absence. Suddenly he heard a girl's stunning praise: "What beautiful wisterias!"

Wu Nian turned around to look. A girl dressed in light yellow skirt walked from that side of the mountain and stood not far away from the wisteria tree. She looked up at the wisteria and forgot to close her mouth in amazement. The girl stood for a long moment before she saw Wu Nian at the side. She was shocked again and exclaimed: "What a beautiful monk!"

Wu Nian lowered his eyes, turned and began to slowly clean.

That girl covered her mouth and seemed to know that those words were somewhat out of line. She blushed and rushed to explain: "Sorry, sorry, dashi, don't mind me. I didn't want to offend you.....I just have a loose tongue."

大师(dàshī): master/ great master. Usually used to call monks and leaders of a sect.

Since the other party has said that, Wu Nian thought it wouldn't be good to fuss over it anymore. He bowed and said: "Amitabha, shizu, help yourself.

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