Veela and Pureblood

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"The effects will wear out today. As you can see, people are apologizing to me right and left." Nimbus, AKA Willow, reassured Gwendolyn. They walked through the great hall on their way to the astronomy tower for class.

"Good, I was getting tired trying to catch my best friend's attention," Gwendolyn grumbled; Nimbus giggled, always amused by her friend's musings.

"Wills." The two girls turned back and saw the Slytherin trio: Draco, Blaise, and Pansy. Gwendolyn rolled her eyes and made it a point to stay away from those three. Willow was curious about the three. She wondered if their reputation really did proceed them.


"Sit with us at lunch," Draco demanded, a smirk on his face, Pansy sneered, and Blaise held a neutral demeanor. Willow was even more interested in this prospect, but Gwendolyn hated it.


"Cause we wanna be your friend," Pansy explained with a tone of arrogance.

"Buzz off, Willow's too good for."

"Ok." Gwendolyn looked at Willow with an astonished expression. Draco grinned, along with the other two. It seems that they were looking forward to getting to know Willow.


The lunchroom was filled with hungry students as the two students took their place alongside the Silver trio. Everyone noticed the veela girl sitting with the Slytherins and looked on in jealousy. Willow learned to ignore their stares, but Gwendolyn didn't like it.

"They're also fawning over you, Gwen," Blaise told her. Gwendolyn scowled at Blaise, who was eating his sandwich.

"Yeah, and I hate it," Gwendolyn grumbled, crossing her arms and looking away.

"So, Willow, are you a muggle? Or a pure-"

"Half Muggle and half veela. Now, will you let me go?" The Slytherin trio looked at her, varying degrees of thought glanced at their faces. Willow figured they'd leave her and Gwen alone if she revealed her traits.

"No," Draco decided.


"No." He said again.

"This is ridiculous; what do you want?!" Gwendolyn snapped. She was childhood friends with the ferret, so she doubted his intentions 90 percent of the time.

"To simply form a friendship with the two of you."

"To accumulate power. I already have popularity over the school, and Gwendolyn is already tied to you." Willow concluded. Draco shook his head, impressed with her theory, but frowning upon it.

"What if I tell you that that wasn't the case? Being honest here, I fancy you." Draco tried to be cool about it, but his hands shook slightly. Pansy noticed and interlaced her hands with Draco. Willow picked up on that and formed a little plan.

Gwendolyn spits up her drink while Willow remains neutral.

"I haven't felt romantic feelings towards anyone; I don't think I'll start now. Harry's said that, too, so I think my veela effects are messing with you. Let's go, Gwen," She stood up.

"Let Draco process his feelings."


"He seemed pretty serious back there."

"I know." Gwen looked at her like an alien looking at a specimen. Sometimes, she fails to understand her friend. Even after 2 weeks.

"I don't have time for relationships like that. What I do have time for is testing out the countercurse to the killing curse. Its Abrakadabra. If I change syllables and words to known countercurses, I can transfigure them to cancel out and foil them."

"Did you test them out?" Gwen curiously inquired.

"Yeah, on plants, of course, but I have yet to test it with people wanting to curse me." Willow nonchalantly said. Gwendolyn looked on in horror.

"I could be the one to do it." She said suddenly. Willow nodded.

"We can start 4th year. I need to develop uses for Unicorn blood and break the half-life curse cycle. I want to know if we can take unicorn blood safely, ethically, and effectively. Which is why I need someone else's help."

"I can help." The two girls turned and saw a meek Harry. He looked a little shy. Harry straightened his glasses.

"Sorry for eavesdropping, but I'd like to help. I know where the unicorns graze in the forbidden forest." Willow's eyes lit up in interest.

"Alright, meet me in front of the forest after dinner." Gwen looked at Willow, wondering if Willow was using Harry's affections.

"Seriously, thank you. I hope you're not doing this because-

"Of your veela effects? I learned to get over that fairly quickly. " Harry said a matter of factly. Gwendolyn could tell he was lying through his teeth, but she didn't care too much.

Little do they know, Pansy was on the other side of the hall, listening for Draco.

"This'll be very good for him." She grinned mischievously. Pansy wanted Draco to be happy; even if it weren't with her, she'd do anything for him.

"Not this time." She turned and saw Cho.

"What do you want?" She sneered.

"Draco isn't good for her."

"Oh, and Cedric is? Come off it, Cho." Pansy growled, and both of them stared each other down.

"Harry is." The two girls saw Ginny approaching them. She had a determined scowl on her face.

"We should bet on it. If Willow gets with any of our friends, I'll bet 50 gold galleons."

"55 gold galleons." cho bet.

"120 gold galleons." Pansy bragged. The three girls giggled to themselves, fully knowing that they'll manipulate this situation for their end. Neither of them knows about the unlikely friendship that they'll quickly form.

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