🌹Trust Me🌹

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I ordered something light for my breakfast. Noe brought me back some pastries that dark dark chocolate drizzled onto them.

After some more running around, he was done with work. I watched customers leave and go. After being inside so long, I didn't want to leave alone now.

Noe sat down across the table from me." Well, I am done for today. Is there somewhere you would like to go?"

"Can we just go to the rooftop, the place you said Vanitas goes too."

"Sure I don't see why not." Grabbing his coat Noe asked me to follow him.

We were on the street near where the hotel we were staying at was. Noe stopped walking causing me to just about crash into his back. Noe turned around the second he felt me crash into his back. I watch as his hat falls off his head, and to the ground."Oops...sorry!"

"No worries, though in order for you to get up to the roof, I must carry you. Is that alright?"

"Ah sure...I just- how??" I wasn't even sure how to put my thoughts into words. I was closer to Vanitas' height, Noe was extremely tall compared to me. Since I found out he was a vampire, the man was extremely strong. My tiny form wouldn't be much for him.

"I see, well I can carry you on my back, or my arms or...."

"Just grab me, I don't really care," I said in a blank voice. Noe looked at me surprised. "Y-you are a lady though, I can't just toss you over my shoulder!"

I let out a sigh. "Maybe so but I don't feel like it. I'm used to tougher situations."

"V-very well, I'll just hold you by the waist at my side." Noe stood behind me and put an arm around my waist, literally picking me up off the ground. I was now floating in mid-air like a puppy.

 I was now floating in mid-air like a puppy

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"However, remember this. Just because you claim to be stronger than most women. That does not mean I want to or will treat you like trash. You deserve better than that." He flashed a smile down at me.

Just like that Noe pushed off the ground and we were airborne. i felt my stomach drop. I flinched a bit at the speed and height. The wind blasted my hair backward. It was fun but also a tab bit scary for the first time. I felt his grip tighten on me.

It was over in a matter of seconds. Noe had already landed, and we were way up on the roof. It was a beautiful sight. He carefully set me down. "This spot has a decent size roof to stand on. Slippery when raining though so I don't recommend it then."

"Woah.., this is so pretty."I began to walk away from Noe." Aw, I'm glad." I heard him say. I turned on my heel, seeing Noe just sit down. "It really is a peaceful lookout."

I didn't notice that the wound on my arm began to open up again. Blood slowly was getting soaked up by my clothes. The sweet scent on my blood wafted to Noe's nose. He tried to softly call me over to him.

"Come sit here with me____, it's a nice spot to rest." His violet eyes gazed out to the street. In the distance, he could see Olivier and Vanitas walking about.

Paying no mind to what he could have meant by that, I walked over to him. I thought it would be too much to sit next to him, so I walked behind him and sat down. Our back's only touching a bit. Noe blinked a bit, feeling me lean against him a bit. He kept still though, he also leaned a bit back. This was his chance.

I was too focused on the peaceful sky, and the chance to rest a bit. That I didn't notice that Noe reached a hand back and placed it on my wounded arm. His words cut me off as he breathed. "Forgive me ____, you may not want to be seen as a princess but I....-"

I flinched feeling his strong but gently grip lift my arm up while bringing it back to have it face him. I was stuck, no, frozen in place, as I felt my heartbeat race. This man played his cards right, he was finally able to see why he smelt blood.

'Oh crap! m-my arm!' I flinched again wanting to move it away, but his grip was too strong. "But I can not let you bleed out." He finished his words.

What was he gonna do?! I couldn't see his face. Why was I worried? he swore he wouldn't harm me, but still! I shake my head a bit, as Noe began to roll up my sleeve.

"I see..., this makes sense now." He lets out a sigh. "Why didn't you say something earlier?" I hid a small possible blush that was creeping up on my face. This was too much for me. 'I don't know...' I knew it was going to bleed again because I left without bandages. I guess I miss judged what Noe would do. I was stupid to think he wouldn't notice, the smell of blood was easily spotted by him.

I didn't reply. "Where there no more bandages in the room?" I shake my head a bit. His eyes scanned my bleeding wound. The cut wasn't infected but would take more time to heal. I didn't see, but Noe's eyes flashed red a bit at the sight of blood. He knew he shouldn't bite me, because he would also see my memories.

My thoughts were cut off like a knife. I felt something warm touch my arm, I almost jumped out of my skin. 'HUH!? What on earth was that?!' It wasn't fangs, b-but.

"N-NOE STOP!" I yanked my arm back, making him freeze at my tone. I almost slapped him in my accident. I quickly stood up and hugged my wounded arm to myself. Noe quickly turned around to see my flushed and worried-looking face. Fear washed over his face the second he saw me.

"____..!It wasn't what you thought! I promise I didn't bite you not want." His eyes looked so sad, as I backed up a bit. He got up to his feet slowly and tried to approach me slowly. His eyes look so honest, he means to harm. I was just afraid because I wasn't used to being around men, let alone having them hold my arm.

"...s-sorry...I'm just not used to being around..m-men."

Noe reaches out a hand to touch mine, I carefully watch as he begins to lift it up again to his face. His eyes were not red, but they were averted from my gaze as he very lightly put his lips on the side of my wounded arm.

"As I swore once before..I only wish to help."

- To Be Continued 🌙🌹

(The Case Study Of Vanitas) Can I Trust You?/ Noe ArchivisteXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now