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Black leather jacket has perfectly fit around the man's body, hand combs the silky raven locks behind. Grabbed his car keys and wallet.

While humming a tune the male was getting down from the stairs, was about get out but stopped when -

"Where are you going, Jungkook? " A middle aged man asked, eyes still focused on the newspaper.

Newspapers, nowadays people loves to read information on internet but the man,he believes internet and those devices was the only reason which created distance, a broken bridge between family members.

The raven haired sighed "Going to hang out with friends."

The middle aged man hummed, flipped another page. "Or....going to your boyfriends apartment? "

The tone was mockery, Jungkook's jaw taut.

"Father! "

"Don't dare to yell over my face, son. "

The man calmly warned . The old man's calmness was making Jungkook even angrier. 

"I'm actually going to my friends. "

The man Didn't said much, took a sip from his green tea. "Wish Taehyung good mo-"

"I know." Jungkook carelessly replied before stepping out of the mansion.

The man chuckled bitterly. 


"Don't know what is father's problem!" Jungkook huffed as he kicked a small rock.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "maybe uncle doesn't like Jimin. "

A male with blond locks hissed while, hitting Taehyung softly. "Stop saying negative things."

The other shrugged. "Saying what is seems like." 

Jimin sadly looked down. The raven's eyes fall on him, soon he squeezed Jimin's hand .

"No babe, Don't be sad.... Dad is....he never saw you properly." Jungkook assured.

The gray haired looked away, eyes focus to the far where their other friends were sitting. Maybe sitting with the couple wasn't a great choice but again he couldn't left Jungkook alone.

Taehyung's bluish eyes glanced over the couple again, eyebrows curled with annoyance.

The way Jimin pout his lips and how Jungkook was caressing the blonde's Knuckles.

The only thought crossed Taehyung mind was 'wickedness'.

Sometimes Taehyung wants to puke over their so called love. No, Don't get him wrong. He do love his best friend a lot, but that...Jungkook he do love Jungkook more than his best friend.

And much more than Jimin do love Jungkook. Taehyung's love was pure, pure from the age of ten.

Maybe that wasn't love but a slight bit of like, while growing up it got deeper and harder.

But life is not rainbow or Fairy tales where the person you love will fall in love with you. Life is hard, tough here everything is bitter.

Taehyung, Jimin & Jungkook was best friend, they were close. In a group of seven friends they were the trouble maker.

But distance started to grow up when Jungkook proposed Jimin on his twentieth birthday. When they started to hangout and going on dates.

When they were busy with themselves Taehyung distanced himself.

Taehyung's heart clenched, how tenderly Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead.

How he wished to be on the place of Jimin, wants to feel Jungkook's soft cherry lips on his skin. Wants to feel those tangles.

Taehyung's eyes burns, wanted to shades tears , but no he won't cry, won't be the weak one.

"Can't you both stop that?" finally he asked.

Other two stopped, looked over Taehyung and chuckled. "We carried away."


Taehyung rolled his eyes again and stood up went to others.

"What happened? " Hoseok asked as he saw Taehyung sat beside them.

"Bored by watching sappy sh!t." Yoongi hum.

Others chuckled.

Taehyung simply gave a bitter smirk, looked down to his hands. Yoongi's eyes squinted over him.

"Don't be sad." the male with cat eyes whispered into Taehyung's ear.

"Who said I'm sad by those ridiculous sh!t? I got disgusted by them and nothing more." Taehyung retorted.

Yoongi stare at the male with adore and affection, to Yoongi Taehyung is a brave and overbold person who fears nothing.
Yoongi was a fond of daring person.

"Okay okay I get it. "

Yoongi chuckled and eyes flickered over Jimin for once,  whose eyes were also  staring at him with an unreadable expression.


First chapter hope you all liked it 💫

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