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Are you serious! " Jungkook's venomous voice bo0med into the room, Taehyung flinched.

Mr. Jeon stared at his son, eyes blank and unreadable.

"What are you saying, father! Are you out of your mind!"

"After thinking for long, I decided to take that decision. "

"But you didn't asked me! Asked about my choice, if I'm willing to marry him or not !" Jungkook points at Taehyung.

"I don't see any importance of that.."

Jungkook hissed, disbelief.

"Woah, Father. " he comed his hair back.

"But for your kind information, I have a boyfriend. Whom i love."

"It's not love, It's mare attraction. "

"I can't marry Taehyung, he is my friend and we are okay with it... "

Mr. Jeon, rolled his eyes.

Eyes fall on Taehyung, the blonde haired male was quiet, head down eyes on his feet, hand tightly gripping the hem of his shirt.

"Taehyung, dear. I know I should not take a decision like marriage alone, but you know, This old man only sees you as a perfect match for my son, I know you are thinking me as a selfish man. Who only thought good for his son but..."

Jungkook groaned frustratingly.

"I want you to accept the offer, if you want anything in exchange, I will give it just-"

Mr. Jeon, joints his hand front of Taehyung , the younger gasped.

Immediately shook his head. "Please Don't beg uncle-"

"Dad stop! You Don't need to beg! We will not marry off! "

Jungkook yelled.

"I will."

The room became quite, as if everything stopped. Taehyung finally looked up, eyes meet mr. Jeon.

"I will." he whispered, squeezing his knees tightly.

"Are you out of your mind Taehyung?! "

Jungkook chews Out.

Taehyung gulped, he knew he shouldn't agreed, he shouldn't, conclusion of this marriage won't  be well. This marriage will bring sorrow, sadness and breakdown.

A marriage without love never success, never last long. It always named as a failure of a relationship.

"For uncle, I want -"

"For him!you can't ruin your life! You can't marry me just sake of my father.."

Mr. Jeon stood up, "I'm happy after hearing, Taehyung, really. Thanks.... Just remember this man will always stay besides you, will give you anything you want."

Mr. Jeon promised and went away, leaving Taehyung alone with Jungkook.

"Taehyung... Listen.. My dad is crazy Don't melt into his sugar coated words.. Don't ruin your damn life!  You emotionally blackmails you!" Jungkook uttered, angry and disappointed.


"My father is manipulating you, he doesn't want me to marry Jimin.. In order to get that he is using you as his trump card...he..is running your life along with mine." Jungkook let out a soft cry..

Sat besides Taehyung, "Taehyung I want your good, I don't want to --"

"My life is already ruined, there is nothing to ruin me more. I was ruined at my young age, when my parents d!ed, our house got snatched away from me.. My dad's Business and all. Left me on street as a beggar."

Taehyung smiled sadly, wiping his tears away.

The raven frowned, lips twist annoyingly.

"So... "

"I'm marrying you. Even if means ruining my life, I just wants to help your father, that man is lonely, nobody knows when God will take him, as a orphan, as a son who lost his parents... I wants to stand besides him, to fulfill his last whishes. " Taehyung announced, stood up to leave.

But suddenly he got pushed on the wall hardly.

"Oh so It's about my dad! Not me?!" Jungkook growled, nails digging into the soft flesh of Taehyung's arms. the blonde haired winched, bluish eyes were on Jungkook, not blinking.

"For fvck sake Taehyung!  My life will ruin ! I Don't love you!  I don't... And I can't... I can't love you."

Taehyung's eyes glued on Jungkook, hard and strong. But inside he broke down completely, his heart squeezed painfully as if someone was smashing it with a hammer.. Breath stuck in his throat. Eyes burning.

Taehyung was prying to not breakdown, yet hearing those words again and again hurts.

How Jungkook was pointing out he can't love Taehyung, It breaks him more. He knew it he would never get the raven's love but Jungkook shouldn't said it like a brutal man.

Taehyung silently nods, understand Jungkook was just being honest.

"But I will marry you, Jungkook.... I already fixed my mind." Taehyung spoke, sadly smiled.

Jungkook stared at the younger, jaw clenching, eyes red. Suddenly he let out a bitter chuckle.

"I guess Jimin was right. You are a greedy person. A greddy person who desire to live a lavish life. Even after getting so low.. Just like now." Jungkook snapped, hands finally let go of Taehyung....

"I was a fool when I defended you, took your side, to make Jimin understand he was wrong but I guess I was wrong, not him,I mistake to understand people. "

With that Jungkook strom out, Left him behind.

Taehyung stared at the door, Jungkook disappeared.

The blonde haired let out an unstable breath.

"You will understand Jungkook, why, why i took this decision. "

Taehyung whispered, wiped away his tears.


The photo of Jeon Jungkook was now marked as red along with Mr. Jeon Jaeyoung, his father.

Siren hazel eyes were grinning happily, soon the game will began. He is waiting to play, waiting for his turn to burn them alive.

Burry them into the ground.


I would like to say , pardon my mistakes 🥹
And hope you enjoyed the chapter

I would like to say , pardon my mistakes 🥹 And hope you enjoyed the chapter

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Accurate af !! This solos are so irritating 🙂

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