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Taehyung never expected to see himself into a dressing room, where he would be getting ready for his own weeding.

Weeding, sound special yet fearful and full of responsibility.

Jin was fixing Taehyung's hair, combing the gray locks behind.

"You are looking beautiful, Tae." Jin smiled.

The blonde haired male didn't reply, eyes on mirror, de@d eyes were staring at himself. He wanted to marry Jungkook and today was. He should be happy right?

Then why, why his heart was itching, feeling unstable, feeling he is doing wrong?

No, he wasn't wrong, he love Jungkook, everything is fair in love.

"My pearl is looking like an angle, who fall from heaven. " Taehyung blinked, eyes looked at Yoongi through the mirror.

"I know right, but still I'm the worldwide handsome. " Jin laughed.

"Anyways soon to be Jeon Taehyung is ready. " The older among them announced.

Their friends group know about the marriage pretty well, trying to light up Taehyung's mood.

"This Jeon will always stay as a name tag hyung." The blonde haired chuckled bitterly, Jin stilled.

"Taehyung, I was ju-"

"It's okay hyung, I know you." Taehyung flashed a soft smile.

Now there was awkwardness. Nobody was talking, Taehyung was still waiting and Yoongi was leaning against the wall. Jin was besides Taehyung.



"Can you leave for a while... I need to talk with pearl. "

Jin nodded, gave some privacy to them.

Now Taehyung & Yoongi was sitting in silence, soon the pale man stood up walked to Taehyung, sat besides him.

Yoongi sighed, reached out to tug Taehyung's blonde locks behind his ear. "You are looking beautiful, pearl. " he whispered.

The younger smiled, which wasn't reaching to his eyes. Yoongi sighed again.

"So you are actually marrying him?"

Taehyung looked away, nodded silently. "You know Jungkook won't be easy on you, he is furious."

"I know.... But what I'm doing is for his own good... It's not like I'm doing wrong right? "

Taehyung asked, eyebrows curled into a deep frown as if he questioned himself not yoongi.

"In a way you are. " Yoongi honestly replied. Taehyung glared.

"You are marrying someone without their will, pearl. It's somehow not right when you know that person love someone else. "

Yoongi gently took Taehyung's hand on his, rubbing the ring finger, where soon a ring will be adorned.

"You said, Jimin doesn't love Jungkook so? Wasn't he doing wrong? Faking everything. I love him I will make him understand me, love me I-"

"Breath, pearl. Breath. It's okay. Don't need to be aggressive. I understand. " Yoongi hurriedly replied, hugging Taehyung close.

The blonde haired was breathing heavily, hands gripping Yoongi's suit tightly, eyes full of unshad tears .


Jungkook was also in dressing room. Dressed up like a groom.

Eyes were glaring at particular nothing, jaw tightened angrily, nose frilled.

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