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Taehyung entered into his silent apartment, shoulder lax, face slump down. Chest heavy with pain and grief.

Jungkook's words were ringing into his ears.

He was greedy.

He wants Jungkook's wealth.

He was marrying Jungkook for property, business and wealth.

Such thoughts were natural after his decision. It was genuine for Jungkook to think him as a gold digger. He knows yet it hurts, It hurts so bad to think someone you love think you as an avaricious.

How he even expected Jungkook to marry him, when he was being an obstacle between him and Jimin. He was causing obstruction.

Taehyung shakily sat on the floor, besides the photo frame of his parents.

Eyes sadly looking at them, lips twisted into a soft smile.

"I'm not doing wrong, right?" Taehyung whispered.

Silent room was echoing with Taehyung's sobs.

"I'm not greedy right, mom?"

"I'm not being selfish.. I'm not...I love him, dad."

"I really do...is wanting someone, desire for someone being selfish? "

Taehyung was asking numerous question, yet receiving no answers.

Tears rolled down again, this time eyes still, empty.

"It's okay, In order to be with you I can live with this false accusation for the rest of my life. I can."

Taehyung nods to himself, hastily wiping the tears.

Maybe some day Jungkook would  understand him, would  fall in love, maybe....


Past few days were frantic and horror. Jimin was screaming over his lungs, saying how much cruel Taehyung could be, how much he want, how much he needed to get down this low.

At this point the blonde was about to h!t Taehyung, but Yoongi stopped the male.

"Are you fvcking crazy?! " Yoongi yelled, breathing heavily, hands around Jimin's shoulder, snatching away the vase from his grip.

Jimin's eyes were red, angry, Nose frilled with each long breath.

Jungkook was standing in a corner of the room, hands crossed over chest, eyes were on them. Not feeling important to protect the gray haired.

And Taehyung didn't hoped for, Jungkook to stand for him.

"It was Uncle -"

"You could have denied!  You could say you don't fvking love him! Why- oh yeah."

Jimin chuckled bitterly, nodding, "why would you even say no. After-all that's what you wanted!  "


"No Tae, I know, I know."

Taehyung didn't protests, he know they will never believe him, never.

Yoongi glanced at Taehyung.


Cold night breeze hitting Taehyung bare chest, giving him a frosty feeling, bluish eyes were staring at the night city, sparkling with different lights.

"Why you took this decision. "

Taehyung sighed, didn't look back, as he know Who it could be.

"Felt like." Taehyung shortly answered.

"But you know your foolish choice will make you feel like sh!t someday ."

Taehyung smiled, eyes empty.

"I'm already feeling it hyung, I feel like a villain... Tho I shouldn't care about them.. I just- Don't know."

"You still didn't told me, pearl." Yoongi softly said, lips twisted up.

"I love him hyung.... I...maybe I'm being selfish...when I heard that I wanted to...Uncle was also worried... He Doesn't trust Jimin." Taehyung replied, fidgeting with his fingers.

Yoongi's eyes stop on the sky at the shinning star.

"Jimin is no harm...he would never harm anyone... He is....confused, he is scared... He is seeking for comfort and love...he wants to feel love. That's why, that's why he thought you are trying to snatch his love."

Yoongi replied, caressing Taehyung's hair.

"Tho the thing he have for Jungkook is not love but- It's a shell he was making around him to prove the world he is in love, he love Jungkook."

Taehyung frowned, bluish eyes tear away from city to Yoongi.

"How do you know?"

Yoongi shrugged off.

"Anyways pearl, take decision wisely. Think properly before taking a big step like marriage. " Yoongi warned.

Yoongi was about to leave but-

"Will you support me in my every decision, hyung? " The blonde haired, blurted out.

Yoongi turned to Taehyung, without any warning he pulled others cold figure to himself. Hugging him tight.

" I will always. I know my pearl know what he is doing and without any question I will support him."

Taehyung closed his eyes, eyes were burning with tears, Wanted to fall.

"You are too good to be real, hyung." Yoongi smirked, pulled away.

Wiping Taehyung's tears.

"Now stop crying and Let's go I brought some soup and ramen. "

Yoongi replied, pulling Taehyung into the apartment.

Yoongi know, There was no one to support Taehyung, he was mentally and emotionally broken and Yoongi wanted to stand besides him, to support, to tell him he wasn't alone.

He have Min Yoongi.


"All the information is collected. Everything. Who cause it and why. We needs to put it into an article. " someone replied, eyes not leaving the computer front of him.

"That's good, not Let's wait for the Golden time?"

Late update 🥲

Anyways stream Neuron 💫💫💫

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