The Band is Back - Luke

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Sleeping is almost impossible when you're dead, but after last night, I watched Reggie pretty much fall asleep standing up. That was something that hadn't happened since before yesterday.  If this is our new normal, I'm going to have to figure out how to get caffeine into my system or something. 

"We've been up all night and made no progress on figuring anything out. I love this; this is so much fun!" Alex said with a dry tone. 

"We just have to come to terms with the fact that maybe the answers to our questions will come slowly, or maybe we just don't get any."

"I will not be accepting that, thank you." I rolled my eyes at him. "At least one of us is getting some sleep..." We looked over at Reggie, curled up in a ball on the couch. "How does that work? How do we just sleep now?" 

"Alex, we have about three million questions to answer already. Did you really need to add two more?" I had already been thinking about that, but I had hoped he wouldn't go there too. 

"Hmm, yes." He said like it was obvious. 

"It's possible that it's just Reggie? I mean, come on now. It's Reggie." 

"I hate that that's the best answer we've come up with all night." 

"Me too, dude." 

We spent all night throwing questions at one another:

If Julie can touch us, can anyone else see us now? 

Does Caleb know we broke the stamp? If he does, is he going to keep trying to get us?

How did we break the stamp? 

Was Willie caught? 

What are we now? Still dead was the answer, but that led us to question how dead we were. 

Why can Julie touch us now?  Alex said maybe Reggie was right when he called her a witch, but I'm sure that was just the sleep deprivation talking.

Can Julie touch us because she was our unfinished business? This question was answered when it hit dawn, and we still hadn't left the garage. But of course, it led to other questions; Is this what crossing over is? Can we decide to stay if we want to? I really want to stay.

The questions just kept coming, mostly from Alex. Which was fine because if he kept talking, I could avoid talking about the one question I hadn't brought up; What does this mean for Julie and me?

I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of two girls laughing at an excited little boy. Which meant Julie and Flynn were coming in with Carlos. 

The garage doors swung open, and Carlos bounced, and I mean bounced, inside. 

"Boy band! Wake up, boy band! Ghosts are real, and it's a beautiful morning!" 

"Boy, breathe, would you?" Flynn said, trying to wrangle the boy. 

"Hey, guys!" Julie waved toward the piano where Alex and I were sitting, "Where's Reggie?" 

Alex pointed to the lump on the couch, "Apparently, we can sleep now."

"Or it's just Reggie. He's not the best guy to run this experiment on, considering." I said with a smile.

"Julieeee," Carlos groaned. "Stop talking to your boyfriends; I want to see them." 

Julie turned red, and I caught Flynn giving her a sly smile. Well, that answers one question, Julie is still the only one that can see us. But it brought up another; what did Flynn mean by that smile? 

I decided to ignore it and looked at Julie. I can tell she had just woken up recently, probably due to Flynn, and she looks so...

"Well, we can't do this without Reginald considering he's the one who gave him the idea that we were around in the first place." Alex cut off my train of thought, probably for the best. 

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