Chapter Eight

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The chambers they had given her were far different from the one she shared with her twin for most of her time at the Red Keep all those years ago. When they were little, they were inseparable, barely recognizable from each other in their smallclothes, spoke with the same tone and voice. As young men and women, they were assigned to rooms of their own, and with their duties the Gods continue to separate them.

Since Willa was no longer her personal servant, she was assigned with servant girls of the Keep. They were around her age. One was named Haelise, a shy girl who stutters, and the other was Roslin. Roslin was the more comelier of the two, what with her long mane of auburn hair and gray eyes which were slightly similar to Willa's. She came from a baseborn family who has long served the House of Ryswell in the North.

Alysanne gave the girls their first order and it was to prepare her a bath. Once the bath was ready, which took more than an hour to prepare, Alysanne nearly tore her dress apart when they took their time on removing clothing from her body. As if she could, she would jump into Blackwater Bay, be it as stark naked. She was itching to submerge into a lukewarm bath, and when she did, it took her more than a minute to resurface and only because the two naive girls were fighting over whether she was still alive, and the princess had unexpected visitors.

They claimed to be the ladies-in-waiting chosen by the Queen Alicent herself. They were Lady Ellyn of House Reyne from the Westerlands, and Lady Cassandra of House Baratheon, one of the Four Storms, the nickname used to refer to the four daughters of Lord Borros Baratheon.

Lady Ellyn had yellow of hair and green of eyes, which were common colors in the members of House Reyne for they were another branch of House Lannister, the House Paramount of the Westerlands. Whereas Lady Cassandra was the tallest amongst all of the girls in the room and she had the signature colorings of House Baratheon, black of hair and black of eyes.

Both had auras of strength and cleverness, in which Alysanne was cautious about. The Queen had personally handpicked them to be her ladies-in-waiting, and as for that she can not be as close to her as she was with Willa. It was going to be hard, for she must admit she's afraid she won't survive a day here in the pit of vipers they called the Red Keep without someone she can rely on.

"Are you ready to change now, Princess?" Lady Ellyn asked, and Alysanne forced herself to say yes, not wanting to be naked in their gazes for another long moment. Their eyes poked at the parts she was insecure of her body, but most notably the dark-haired bush on her inner thighs before a towel was wrapped around her.

She swore Ellyn stifled a cough.

Alysanne smiled at her, eyes bright as dragonfire. "Is everything all right, Lady Ellyn?"

"Yes, o-of course, Princess." The golden-haired lady replied, looking away.

Alysanne observed the thin waist of her lady-in-wating from the Westerlands. It was small and disproportionate in comparison to the rest of her ample physique. Was it even possible for her to breathe at all?

"You wear a corset." Alysanne said.

"Of course, Princess. It is to maintain my figure and attract a husband-to-be that would love me for both my beauty and cunning."

How superficial, Alysanne thought, assumptively.

"Oh? I never worn a corset before, never had to since I am always on dragonback," Alysanne said, flattering herself. "And I need every space I have inside of me to be able to breathe the thick air above the clouds."

"What is it like to ride a dragon, Princess Alysanne?" Lady Cassandra spoke, her eyes ablazed with curiosity.

"It is as they describe it in songs and tales, Lady Cassandra." Alysanne explained, imagining the recent flight she took, remembering the mesmerizing melody of her she-dragon. "As you may know, my dragon Sitharax is called the Song In The Skies by the commons. Whenever she sings in the sky, you will feel as if you are seeing the glimpse of the realm of the gods."

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