Chapter 4

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Scaramouche pov:
"Hmmm oh I know how about we tell things about eachother since we just met" He said with a smiling at me. His smile was kinda cute WAIT WHAT.

What am I saying his smile is "cute" I shouldn't be thinking things like that we just met, and we're just FRIENDS and that's final. "Scara... Scara... SCARA!!" I heard Kazuha yelled at me while being very close to my face. "Oh sorry I was spacing out... also can you move your too close..." I said in embarrassment. "Oh yea-a sorry... are you okay you have been spacing out for a long while you know?" Kazuha said in a worry tone. "It's nothing I'm just....TIRED!! Yea that's it I tired after all we just started school so we have to get used to waking up early again" I said trying to not worry Kazuha. "Hmm okay I guess we should go to bed already" he said. I signed in relief not thinking that excuse would work. We change to our sleepwear and got ready for bed, after we were done Kazuha said if he can sleep with ME. "Sure we could talk to each other while laying down" I said to him. He nodded in a thank you way as he started to get on and laid down. "Soooo you have 2 moms to Scara?" He asked me. "Yea but before I lived with my mother Ei with my biological father but soon we left him. He would always hurt us and if my mom tried to tell the police he told her he would killed me if she did. But eventually Yae which is my other mother, she was friends with Ei and couldn't stand and told the police and he got taken away and Yae then married my mother". "Wow I feel so sorry for what happen back then, I'm glad your alright and so is your mother" Kazuha said to me. Eventually after about 30 minutes Kazuha had fallen asleep. I don't know why but for some reason I feel so comfortable around Kazuha he was so sweet, caring, kind, and a funny to be with. I wonder if Kazuha thinks the same about me after all most kids and adults back then when I was younger would say I was some monster just because I usually didn't show my emotions, and because of that incident...

Third person pov:
Yae and Ei finally came back home after 2 hours later, it was now midnight. "I'll go check on those 2 alright" Ei said. "Alright" Yae back while about to get ready for bed. Ei walked upstairs quietly just incase the two young boys are asleep. Ei open the door to see her little Kuni cuddling Kazuha asleep peacefully like if he was holding some plushie when he was younger. Yae then came from behind and saw the 2 boys sleeping peacefully. "Awww they look adorable sleeping" Yae said as she started to take pictures. "Alright that's enough let's go to bed already it's late" Ei said as she dragged Yae to the room.


Third person pov:
Scaramouche woke up as he sees Kazuha was not there with him and wondering where he was. Scaramouche thought that he might've left already or is already up. Scaramouche then got out of bed and went to the kitchen to Kazuha helping his moms and chatting with. "Ah yes Kuni would always cry when we didn't give him a kiss goodbye to school or anywhere when he was little" Ei and Yae both told Kazuha as they all let out little laughters. Scaramouche turn red as he heard they were talking about him when he was younger. "Oh good morning Scara" Kazuha said as he saw Scaramouche was awake. Ei and Yae then both saw him and aid good morning but also wonder "Scara?" After all they didn't know that was Scaramouche's other name. "Good morning" Scaramouche said back to them. "We had just finished making breakfast, why don't you go help set up the please Kuni" Ei asked Scaramouche. "Yea I wil but please don't call me Kuni" Scaramouche said thinking he would get judge of the little nickname his mom had given him. "Why that dear? Is it because Kazuha is here?" She told him. There was a moment of silence till Kazuha spoke to break this silence. "Hey Scara it's alright I don't think the nickname "Kuni" is bad to be embarrassed of" Kazuha said. That made Scaramouche more embarrassed and red, since both of his mothers are there. "Yea yea well whatever I'm going to set the table now" Scaramouche said as he walked away. "Don't worry about him dear he's just you know himself" Ei said. "Yea don't worry he'll get over it soon enough, though it's kinda strange..." Yae said. "What do mean strange?" Kazuha questioned wondering what she had said. "Oh it's nothing much it's just usually if we call him Kuni around his other friends he just goes along unbothered of it" Yae said. "Oh okay" Kazuha said back while serving food for everyone. Everyone went to the dinner table ready to eat their breakfast, thought it was a little quiet which made things awkward. But then Ei started to speak and talk about Scaramouche when he was younger. Scaramouche felt very embarrassed talking about it and wanted to tell his mom to stop but then again he didn't want to make things awkward. "And when Kuni was getting ready for my and Yae's wedding he said that he wanted to be the "flower girl" and give us the rings" Ei said. "Ah yes he was throwing a tantrum because of that~" Yae said teasing Scaramouche. Kazuha chuckled hearing about Scaramouche's past knowing more about him, meanwhile Scaramouche was watching Kazuha who was full with joy, he turned a bit red knowing that Kazuha like hearing about him.
"Well that was good breakfast thank you both for it" Kazuha said to Ei and Yae. "Aww your welcome dear, a friend of Kuni is part of family to us" both of Scaramouche's mothers said. Kazuha felt happy knowing Scaramouche's parents enjoyed having him. "Well Kuni me and Yae are going to go to work now" Ei said. "Okay mom I'll see you guys later" Scaramouche said as he waved them a see you later. Both the women left, Kazuha was washing dishes while Scaramouche was trying to think what to do for rest the day. "Hey kazuha do want to go around town for a bit since you just moved here?" Scaramouche said. Kazuha said "sure", he was excited to go out explore the town since he's doing it with Scaramouche. The two young males both got ready to go out and explore the town.

Well that's it sry for publishing it late I had things to deal with but anyways I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter it's way longer than the others so far we'll I'll see u guys next time byeeeeeee :D 💗

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