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"I have a proposal for you, Signora Rose

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"I have a proposal for you, Signora Rose." He announces as his domineering figure arises from his prior position on the sofa. As he downs the remnant of liquor in the glass, I couldn't help but unabashedly gawk at his Adam's apple bobbing which was oddly attractive to me.

"And what exactly might be your proposal, Mr. Romano?" I inquire, eyebrows pinched in perplexity while flattening my attire with my hands. When I was finished, I amble towards the sofa, taking a seat, while feeling a slight discomfort between my legs. My pussy was sore as fuck from the brutalities of his dexterous mouth.

I ruminate on the notion that this man really knew how to eat a woman out. I ponder for a second how many women he must have done this to.

He seems to notice my struggle and grants me a hubristic smirk in response. Dios, whenever he simpers, I have the impetuous compulsion to run up to him and slap it right off his majestic visage. Taking my sore state into consideration, I squeeze my thighs together, awaiting his reply.

"Work for me." He proposes in a raspy, masculine voice. I am beguiled by his voice's deep, dark lullaby and his eyes, famished, feral and ravenous, devouring every inch of my body.

I roll my eyes before satirically jeering, "I already work for you, Mr. Romano."

His irises darken like an eclipsed dark sky as he places the empty glass on the club side table adjacent to the sofa. He advances toward me, nimble, daunting footsteps until he stops directly in front of me with his thick cover-clothed bulge facing me. He grips my jaw firmly but not too hard to hurt me as he lifts my mien to meet his hollow gaze.

He begins caressing my jaw, slow and ever so gently, which sends shivers running over my skin, goose bumps arising. His scabrous hand on my flesh, so tender yet commanding, makes me want to commit yet another transgression for the night.

He leans into my ear, murmuring, "I don't want to see you rolling those pretty eyes of yours unless I'm fucking into you, amorina."

My cheeks grow red as a summer sunset, and I become mum. Hearing me go silent, Mr. Romano sighs and utilizes the moment as an opportunity to continue, "I haven't had a personal dancer within the past year, Mirabella. None of them have made me besotted and intrigued like you did. When I saw you dancing gracefully on that stage, I knew immediately that I needed to have you, one way or another."

The way my middle name rolls off his tongue, so sultry and saccharine, precipitates butterflies on fire to flutter through my veins. The hankering to hear him utter my first name grew teeth.

"I do apologize Mr. Romano, but this is not what I would have signed up for." I state candidly. I am currently enduring a major financial crisis and I am in dire need for the money to purchase basic desideratum and to pay off my debts. Once I have sufficient funds, I would simply just quit and abscond this place. Become the phantasm I am known to be.

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now