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My arms embrace my body as I impatiently wait outside the frigid hallway for Mr

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My arms embrace my body as I impatiently wait outside the frigid hallway for Mr. Romano to grant me access into his office. It is currently in the dead of night, and he had called me in the midst of departing the club. I need to see my sweet boy. I pray ceaselessly to God that he is okay and in halcyon slumber.

My train of thoughts dissipates when the door abruptly opens, and I am once again enthralled by Sandro's divine beauty. God truly spent extra time handcrafting this animal of a man. I can't look away no matter how much I want to.

His black, fitted shirt and pants mold to his body like a fucking gem and the sleeves of his shirt are rolled up, revealing his tatted, muscular biceps. His jet-black hair is disheveled with a few strands falling flawlessly on his forehead.

There is no denying the notion that the man before my very eyes is extremely beguiling. He is the demon of my dreams, the most tempting of all seraphs. He slowly loosens the tie around his neck while beckoning me over with his index finger. My feet, having a mind of its own, stroll towards the Devil as he lures me into his trap.

When I finally stand in front of him, I didn't get sufficient time to register anything that was occurring as he immediately hoists my legs up and hooks them around his waist. A minute later, I found myself on the couch, straddling his lap.

"What do you want, Mr. Romano?" I enquire tenderly while examining him. He appears utterly exhausted, eyes bloodshot, droopy and puffy. After the incident that transpired with Diego, he vanished into thin air; nowhere to be seen. God alone knows what he did to Diego, nonetheless, whatever he did, that sick, fat motherfucker deserved every bit of it. I was genuinely getting exasperated of his sexual slurs and threats.

"Amorina, believe me when I say I'd like to fuck you but that'll be for another time." He replies huskily as he raises his fingers to stroke my cheek. His fingers are an even vichyssoise of softness and callousness and at that moment, I wish I could bask in his touch forever.

My cheeks grow crimson red, and I feel my body become unbearably incalescent as my subliminal mind wanders off to the idea of Sandro fucking into me. Fuck yes, I'd love that. Rebuking the sacrilegious thoughts that infiltrated my mind, I decide to tag along in his game.

"Why Sandro, why not now? Why not fuck me right here, right now on this couch?" I was playing with fire by teasing the Devil, but who doesn't like getting burnt a little?

His fingers drop from caressing my cheeks to digging into my hips which elicited pleasurable jolts throughout my body. "Because when we fuck, amorina... I want you to have every part of me, not just bits and pieces. Right now, I'm so fucking jaded that it's impossible to worship you like the goddess you are." He susurrates against my ear, as his lips nip my earlobe. The Devil began kissing my neck and it felt like pure elysian.

The attraction that I felt towards Mr. Romano couldn't be repudiated despite the mosaic of times I've endeavored to bury myself in silence and solitude. My shadow has lurked in darkness for years, ricocheting between profound gloom and trepidation, and inviting a man like Mr. Romano into my life just heightens my problems. Though, I couldn't resist the aching, burning desire I had for him.

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