Fifty Four

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(Happy late thanksgiving, and happy black Friday~ good luck to all those that have and/or will be hunting down those deals, try not to get trampled. Anyway, this chapter is anything but bright, so this is a warning to steel yourselves for the shitfest about to begin. Comment goal is still 17, so good luck and happy reading~}

All Might was just a few meters away when Kosuke stepped out into the light, her white hair shining as it flowed in the afternoon sun. The retired hero had to do a double take as he slowed down to a stop, squinting. "Is that you Young Akaguro?"

"Hello All Might," The teen greeted with a smile. "It's been a while."

"H-how are you here? We all thought you were dead.." All Might furrowed his eyebrows, taking a step forward.

"I practically was dead," she chuckled with a bit of a grimace. "But in that time, I was able to come to terms with some things. The first was the fact that being a hero really isn't for me. And," she closed her eyes, her smile widening into a grin. "The second was that this world could do without a few people."

"What are you--" All Might didn't get to finish his sentence as Kosuke's arm raised, her fingers outstretched, and suddenly the shadow around the retired hero's feet began to engulf him. "W-wait, what do you think you're doing young Akaguro?!"

"Putting all the pieces in their places," The girl's eyes were dark as she said it, and then she brought something out of her pocket and threw it to the hero right as her father came out with a cry.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING KOSUKE?!" he demanded, swiping knife after knife at the kid he'd raised to practically idolize All Might. Something was wrong, Kosuke loved and idolized All Might just as much as he did, there was no way she'd try to kill him.

"MY NAME ISN'T KOSUKE ANYMORE!" The villain yelled right back, avoiding her father's attacks and grinning maniacally. "I AM THE VILLAIN MORDRED!"

"HAHAHAHAH YES! YES YES YES YES YEEEESSSS!" Shigaraki threw his head back and laughed, laughed until he was almost out of breath as the symbol of peace was finally sucked down into the shadow with one last yell. "Ha.. haa.." He could not stop grinning. They'd finally done it. All Might would suffocate in that pit of darkness if Kurogiri's testimony had been how it truly was, and the former number one hero would finally fall to the villains.

The world would know their name. The world would fear again. Each man, woman and child would remember that this world was a terrifying place, that there was no peace, that darkness lurked everywhere just waiting to strike. Oh, Shigaraki was in ecstasy.

"NOOOOO!" Stain's eyes were wide as the only hero he had ever respected vanished into what he knew was an airless cavern. That instant gave Kosuke--no, Mordred the chance to slip away from him. However, what was weird was the fact that she didn't go towards where Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Toga and Compress were celebrating. No, she went further down the trail and stopped once she felt she was a safe enough distance away from her father, who had hence fallen to his knees in despair, watching the shadow puddle on the ground, twitching. 

I'm sorry, but I had no choice, Mordred--no, Kosuke thought to herself as she pulled out two knives from her waistband. I had to make sure there was nothing left.

Without warning, the girl sliced both of her wrists and then both sides of her neck in two precise and smooth movements. Blood gushed from the deep cuts and instantly she felt dizzy from the bloodloss, causing her to stumble. That caught Toga's attention.

Her pupils shrunk as the whites of her eyes surrounded them, her surprise and horror on full display on her face as she too stumbled from the sheer shock of seeing one of her most treasured friends covered in her own blood.

Toga didn't like when Kosuke was red.

Now her friend was falling to the ground, the crimson liquid splattering on the girl's clothes as well as the nearby ground. Still in a state of shock, the villain caught Shigaraki's arm, which in turn made him glance her way, and to what she was looking at.

"KUROGIRI!" The League of Villains' leader yelled, alerting everyone that something was terribly wrong. Stain felt whatever was left of his sanity snap at the sight of his daughter laying meters away from him with blood coming out of her arteries and pooling around her, as if the red substance wanted to swallow her up and take her away forever.

Before he could ponder it further, but much after the image had been engraved into his head, Stain was swept away from the scene along with the rest of the league. Right before he had been taken by the warp gate, the hero killer had seen familiar green sparks cross his vision, and then the warp closed.


Midoriya was frantic. His phone had said All Might was right here, and yet there was no trace of him. The fact that the league of villains had almost got him and Kacchan meant that something nefarious was at play here, and that All Might was in danger. The warp gate closing right as he had gotten there was proof enough, and luckily Kacchan was right on his tail.

"The hell happened here?" The explosive blonde demanded gruffly, probably still angry that the Kosuke he had thought he had in his grasp was not, in fact, the real Kosuke. Midoriya knew the feeling, but now wasn't the time to dwell on it. The school had already been notified, so they just had to wait for reinforcements. Right as he was about to scour the nearby area from his nerves about his mentor, All Might popped out of the ground.

All three of them stared at each other in shock and confusion.

It had been while she was practicing and improving her quirk that Kosuke had discovered something amazing. In the privacy of her room, Kosuke had found that if she drew living organisms--tested through a few plants--into their own shadow, they wouldn't wither. She'd done it over and over for longer periods of time, and yet when they came out of their own shadow, it was like they had never gone inside.

That was when she had realized that if she pulled someone inside their own shadow, it would put them in a sort of suspended animation state where everything in their body was frozen and maintained, and nothing would change from the moment they entered to the moment they exited the space.

By putting on a show of 'killing' All Might, she had been able to drive her father to the brink of despair, and since Stain was all she really had left in this world to care about, Kosuke could finally be done.

All of the pieces had been placed exactly how she had wanted them to be.

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