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(Here's another update! School is next week so uhhhhhh don't count on very many updates until break, just a heads up.)

~Third Person Because Our MC No Longer Has A Mind Of Her Own~

Shinso felt kind of bad as he led Akaguro back towards the rest of his brainwashed team. He knew that she was a decent person, but he also knew that he wanted—no—needed to win and move on to the next round so that he could get noticed. The purple haired male made up his mind that if needed, he would apologize, but he still needed to use her.

After a few more minutes, the ending bell went off to signal the end of team making. All of the team captains received a headband with their team's score on it as Midnight stretched. "Oh goodie, it's time to get this party started!" She grinned.

"Hey hey, look alive!" Present Mic poked Aizawa, who gave him a very unamused look. "After fifteen minutes to pick teammates and talk strategy, 12 Calvary teams are prepared to go head to head!"

"I see some unexpected student combinations." Aizawa remarked, his eyes landing on Akaguro, who was the front man of Shinso's group.

"Come on, everyone get your hands in the air! Its time for an arena bumping UA battle royale!" Present Mic hyped up the crowd as the students stood in a circle, ready to begin.

"Huh? What the hell?" Bakugo demanded as he saw Akaguro not on her own team made of shadows, but under the purple haired extra that had threatened them a few weeks ago. The explosive blonde's eyes narrowed in on them, first Akaguro, then Shinso. He must have done something to her, Bakugo thought with a growl.

"You good man?" Kirishima asked, glancing up at him.

"Yeah." The blonde responded, sneering.

Meanwhile, Todoroki had also noticed something was amiss. "Iida, who is that guy again?" The duo haired male questioned, "How does he know Kos—Akaguro?" Todoroki rephrased from her first to last name. The blue haired male shrugged.

"He's the one that came to our class a few weeks ago with the declaration of war. I have no idea how he convinced her to work with him though." Iida explained his thinking. "To be honest, she doesn't look like herself right now."

"As much as I want to help her, winning this comes first." Todoroki mumbled, sending one last glance at Akaguro before Present Mic started talking.

"WOOOHOOOO let's get this party started!" he yelled, "One final countdown before the games start. Three!"

"Get 'em." Bakugo cracked his knuckles.


"He's ours." Todoroki said.


"Begin!" Midnight yelled after Present Mic finished. Immediately everyone went for Midoriya. Shinso, however, did no such thing. He stayed away from the main action, having Akaguro swipe headbands using her quirk. Shinso left the ten million alone because he knew that if he tried for it, he would become a bigger target. The purple haired male didn't want that, so he kept to his original plan.

"Time's Up!" Present Mic announced. "And with that, the second round is officially over! Now let's take a look at who our top four teams are!" The scoreboard showed the top four, so the loud blonde started talking. "In first place, team Todoroki! In second place, team Bakugo!" He announced, the two teams talking amonst themselves as Bakugo and Todoroki got mad. "And third place is Testute—wait what?! It's team Shinso! When did they come back from the dead?"

With Calvary battle over, Shinso had released the three he brainwashed. "Thanks for all your help." He smirked back at them as he walked away. Aoyama, Ojiro and Akaguro looked extremely confused as to what had happened.

"And in fourth place is team Midoriya! These four teams will advance onto the final round!" Present Mic finished as the green haired boy started crying, it was quite impressive. The tears might have made it to twenty feet in the air.

"Hey, Shinso wait up for a second!" Akaguro called, running to catch up with the purple haired male. "What happened to me? The last thing I remember was you saying no thanks and suddenly I'm on the opposite side of the stadium ranking third?"

"It's my quirk, I'll explain it later." Shinso smiled at her, then looked down as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry that I took advantage of you, but I needed your points and quirk to help me win the Calvary battle."

"Uhhh," Akaguro paused, not expecting his answer and apology, but slowly nodded. "Okay I guess, but you have to explain everything to me!"

"Deal." Shinso nodded, a slight smile on his face as he turned to continue walking. "Talk to you later, Akaguro."

"Yeah, bye Shinso!" She waved, her anger dissipating and her confusion being sated for now.

"Hey, Kosuke." Todoroki called, catching her attention. "I thought you said you were going to be on your own team?"

"Well I was, but something happened and Shinso used his quirk on me and I don't even remember what happened during the Calvary battle but I'm okay and he apologized so it's all good." She explained, shrugging it off.

"He used his quirk on you and now you can't remember what happened while you were under it?" Todoroki clarified, his eyes darkening in rage but the platinum blonde didn't notice as she nodded.

"Yeah I guess. Weird, huh?" She laughed, "Come on Shoto, we should get back to the group!" Akaguro suggested, taking the duo haired male's hand and tugging him back towards where everyone else was standing.

Meanwhile, all Todoroki could think about was having a little chat with the purple haired male that dared to mess with his best friend. But first, he would need to enlist the help of a certain explosive blonde. And he needed to have a chat with Midoriya, but all of that could wait because right then, he was with his best friend and that was all that mattered.

"Now, let's take an hour off before the afternoon festivities, see you soon!" Present Mic said, then turned to the male sitting next to him. "Hey Eraserhead, let's grab some food."

"I'm taking a nap."

"Hey Shoto, I'm gonna go get some food, want anything?" Akaguro offered. Seeing as this was the best chance, he nodded and told her what he wanted. She grinned at him. "Okay, I'll be at our normal spot so you'll know where to find me!" The platinum blonde gave him a hug, to which he returned before they parted ways.

Now it was time for him and a certain green haired boy to have a little chat...

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