Twenty Three

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(Get ready for an upspree!)

I woke up after a while because of a huge explosion. My eyes widened at the sight of Todoroki standing in the arena with half of his shirt gone, and Midoriya was sliding down the wall of the stadium. Holy fuck, what did I miss?!

"So that's what it took to wake you up?" Bakugo asked with a snort, causing me to glance over at him.

"I guess, but dude what happened?!" I returned, eager to know.

"Deku decided to taunt IcyHot until he snapped and used his fire. Stupid nerd." He rolled his eyes with a scowl. Just then I realized that if Shoto and Midoriya were fighting, that meant that he had already done his match, causing me to frown.

"What happened in your match? I'm sorry I missed it." I muttered, and he just shrugged.

"Nothing really, I won obviously." He stated, smirking at me. I grinned back at him, before I frowned.

"Wait, if you left, who was I sleeping on?" I asked in confusion, cause I didn't feel a crick in my neck from having slept awkwardly.

"IcyHot switched with me." Bakugo supplied me with the answer, causing me to nod. "But the pain in my shoulder made me slower."

"Bullshit man!" Kirishima laughed from in front of us, "I saw nothing of the sort, you were crazy out there bro!"

"Oh really?" I laughed, not feeling as bad now as Bakugo growled at Kirishima to screw off. "Hey be nice." I scolded, slapping the back of his head. The blonde gave me the dirtiest look I've ever seen.

"You're gonna regret that, Blondie." He threatened. Smirking at him with a challenging gaze, I crossed my arms in defiance.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" I provoked him, sticking my tongue out at him.

Before either of us could move, Todoroki came back. "Oh, you're awake." He smiled as he walked down the stairs towards us.

"Yep! Congrats on winning your match! And on overcoming your old man!" I grinned at him.

"It's..." He trailed off, frowning. "Not that simple. I have a lot to think about."

"Well think about it sitting down, just because Katsuki has the outside seat doesn't mean you have to stand." I snickered, which caused Bakugo to scowl and cross his arms with a tsk.

Todoroki just smiled slightly and went around Bakugo, sliding into the seat next to me on the other side. "Are you all good on sleep?" He asked me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! All caught up!" I laughed with a thumbs up, causing him to nod.

"That's good. You slept like a rock."

"Yeah, my dad thinks so too. He used to say I would probably sleep through a nuclear bombing, but I don't know about that." I shrugged, shaking my head.

After a quick recess so that the stage could be redone, it was Iida against Shiozaki. Of course Iida won, being the fast person he is. Bakugo and Todoroki were giving each other the stink eye, thinking I didn't notice.

"I'm gonna get bad mojo if you keep stink eyeing each other over me, all those negative vibes." I teased, which caused them both to look slightly surprised. Todoroki laughed quietly while Bakugo just hmphed and turned away.

After that, it was Tokoyami and Ashido. "YOU GOT THIS MINA!" I yelled before they started. Sadly, she lost fairly quickly.

Next up was Bakugo and Kirishima. "Hey, Katsuki, wait up!" I called as he started leaving. He stopped, turning back to me, only to have me barrel into him.

"What the fuck Kosuke?!" He demanded as he stabilized himself.

"GOOD LUCK!" I shouted, hugging him tightly. He shook his head, but wrapped his arms around me as well.

"I don't need luck, but thanks." He mumbled, then we let go. I just grinned up at him before he left to go prepare.

"Hey, why didn't I get a good luck hug?" Todoroki asked me when I sat back down.

"Probably because I was asleep." I reminded him, "Don't worry, I'll give you a good luck hug on your next match!" I promised, so he smiled with a nod.

The match between Bakugo and Kirishima was pretty interesting; the fact that Bakugo was going on the defensive for a while was actually concerning. But once he got back in his groove, I wasn't too worried. "The finishing blow! DIE!"

"Kirishima has been knocked out, Bakugo is the winner!"

"YEAH GO KATSUKI!" I screamed, jumping up and down.

"Geez, calm down Akaguro, it wasn't that awesome for you to be this excited." Kaminari muttered in annoyance. I shot him a dirty look, which shut him up pretty fast.

"Oh, Deku!" Ururaka said, which made me turn around.

"Hi Midoriya, it looks like your surgery went okay." Asui observed.

"Hey woah, surgery? Midoriya had surgery?!" I asked as I turned fully to them, giving the green haired male my full attention.

"Yeah," He nodded to me, smiling sheepishly. "Recovery Girl healed me up enough to walk."

"Sure, but shouldn't you be taking it easy?" Ururaka asked worriedly.

"Yeah Midoriya, if I were you I wouldn't leave my bed for a week!" I exclaimed.

"I wanna watch these matches in person." He stated calmly but with certainty. "This is where everyone's efforts are finally gonna pay off."

"Alright, do I get my good luck hug now?" Todoroki asked as he stood up.

"You sure do!" I exclaimed, also getting up and hugging him tightly. "GOOD LUCK SHOTO!" I shouted, causing him to wince.

"Thanks Kosuke." He said, missing my cheek before we separated. My face went red hot from the intimate contact as I watched him leave.

"I was so wrong, I thought all the sexual tension was from Bakugo and Akaguro, but it's from all three big shots!" Mineta exclaimed excitedly. All I could do was facepalm.

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