Twenty Six

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The next day when I woke up, I could smell something delicious in the air. That managed to prompt me out of bed before 7 o'clock, following the aroma to the kitchen.

There, Bakugo was by the stove, cooking eggs. "Oh good you're up, I thought I'd have to go wake you up myself." He smirked as he glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"Nah, your cooking skills are really impressive by the way, Katsuki." I complimented, wrapping my arms around his waist and setting my chin on his shoulder.

The blonde paused, slowly turning his head to look at me. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm hugging you from behind, is that a problem?" I challenged.

"While I'm cooking?"

"Well yeah."

"Like a married fucking couple?"

"If you see it that way, yeah." I shrugged, kissing his cheek and then scampering out of the kitchen. I'm pretty sure I heard a boom as I left.

"Hey Shoto wake up!" I yelled, pouncing on the couch he had been occupying. He yelped as I landed on him, the force throwing us on the floor.

"Um, Kosuke?" He gave me a look, "Was that really necessary?"

"No, but I just felt like it. How are you this fine morning?" I teased, smirking at him.

"Better if you would get off me." He rolled his eyes, rubbing his face. Suddenly I realized what position we were in: I was straddling him.

Scrambling off him, I muttered an apology as my face heated up. "Um, I'm going to go get dressed!" I squeaked, rushing out of the room and back towards my own.

Shutting the door, I rested my forehead against it as I collected myself. "Dammit." I growled, then dismissed everything that had happened and actually started to dress.

We didn't have school for a few days, so that we could rest up and recover from the festival. During that time, Todoroki and Bakugo stayed at my house and took care of me. They had also brought over several pairs of clothes so that they wouldn't have to wear the same thing over and over.

I can definitely say that we had gotten closer and more comfortable with each other. I caught Bakugo saying Todoroki instead of IcyHot, and I almost cried.

I blame that on my unstable emotions.

The night before school started again, we were all cuddled up in my room watching a movie. The two boys were on either side of me, and because my bed was so big, none of us were touching.

I somehow managed to fall asleep halfway through the movie, and when I woke up Bakugo was spooning me and I was spooning Todoroki, and for some reason it just didn't seem weird. Plus it was very comfortable.

"Hey, guys wake up, we have school in an hour and a half." I whispered, shaking the two boys. Todoroki groaned, opening his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked, his voice much huskier and rougher than normal.

"Six thirty." I responded as I kept shaking Bakugo.

"Five more minutes." Todoroki muttered sleepily, closing his eyes again. I sighed, shaking my head. Bakugo was refusing to wake up--now I see how my dad felt whenever he had to wake me up.

Deciding to just get up and come back later, I tried to move but Bakugo's arms tightened around my waist. "No, you are staying in bed for another thirty minutes." Bakugo growled in my ear, and a shiver went down my spine. That was one hell of a sexy voice, and I have no problem admitting it.

"But Katsuki-"

"You are not moving an inch until seven, do you understand me?" He growled again, and this time I knew I was not going to move until seven so I decided why fight. Snuggling against the two boys, I let myself drift sightly.

Thirty minutes later, Bakugo let go of my waist and started stretching. "Come on IcyHot, get your ass up. It won't be my fault if you're late." He taunted, to which the duo haired male cracked an eye open.

Heading to my connected bathroom, I changed into the school uniform, pulling down the skirt again because I still could not believe how short it was.

When I came out, Bakugo and Todoroki were both already ready. "So what do you guys want for breakfast?" I asked, grabbing my bag from the corner of the room.

"Oh no, I'm making breakfast since all you have is fucking cereal." Bakugo announced, to which I pouted.

"I have bagels too!"

"All I'm hearing is carbs carbs carbs." He rolled his eyes as he walked out of my room, Todoroki in toe. "Come on Blondie, you gonna stand there all day or what?" He yelled back at me, which quickly got me moving.

It didn't take long for the explosive blonde to whip something up, and we managed to get out the door with fifteen minutes to spare. It usually takes me around seven-ish minutes to get to school, so we got there in plenty of time.

"Whoa, hey guys!" Kirishima waved at us, "It's kinda weird you all came in at the same time, were you staying together or something?" He joked.

"We were staying over at Kosuke's house." Todoroki answered truthfully, not seeing anything wrong with telling him.

The class froze.

"Wait, hold on a second." Jiro piped up, "We're your parents home?"

"No, that was the whole point." Bakugo rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"OH MY GOD I WAS RIGHT IT WAS A THREESOME!" Mineta shouted excitedly, which made all three of us back away from each other.

"Um, no, we don't like each other like that. They barely like each other at all, so yeah I doubt that's happening." I explained, glancing between the two who were glaring at each other.

"Well, if you weren't fucking," Kamimari started, coming to stand next to Kirishima, "What were you doing?"

"That's none of your goddamned business dunce face." Bakugo growled lowly, and everyone knew he meant business if anyone asked another question so they just dropped it.

I sighed, nodding to the two boys before sitting in my seat, just as the bell rang for school to start.

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