Chapter 2

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Chapter Ⅱ

they sort green and silver (and Severus' sanity begins to crumble)

Harry stared around the King's Cross Station, keeping his trolley close to him. Hedwig hooted in annoyance, cocking her head up to the side to stare at him and he sighed.

There was no chance that he was going to be able to find that damnable platform before 11 o'clock. It was nearly 10:45 right now and Harry knew that if he asked anybody, he'd be looked at weirdly and that was not what he needed.

§Hatchling you smell very annoyed. What is the problem?§

A tongue flicked on his collarbone, gently and tickly. Harry smiled despite himself and hissed under his breath.

§I cannot find the entryway for my new school. If I do not find it, I will have to go back. §

§Unacceptable! You are a worthy mage, hatchling! I will find them and bite them all for insulting your skills!§

Loki shifted agitatedly on his chest and Harry took in a sharp breath when he felt him slithering onto his arm. Loki thinned but got a bit longer before stopping when he was completely coiled around on his bicep.

§There is a mage scent somewhere – go to the left Hatchling. It is there.§

Having no reason to doubt Loki, Harry pushed his trolley back over to Platform 9 and 10, looking around for any sign of magic.

§Look hatchling – more mage scent... §

Harry blinked and watched as a teen disappeared after strolling forward in complete nonchalance. He observed a redhead family bustle forward and each child and the mother go forward before his theory was confirmed.

The pillar looked completely solid and yet people kept disappearing through it – Harry knew that magic was odd sometimes but this just took the cake. Harry pushed warmth – his magic – into his hands and felt it wash over him as he ran toward the pillar. One step and he was floating in midair for a single second before he was deposited on the other side.

A loud horn rang in his ears and a bright smile curled on his lips without his permission.

The Hogwarts Express.

It was long, red and gold with black accents. Smoke furled from the front engine and Harry nearly tripped over his own feet in his haste to get onto the train. He lugged his trunk up and let Hedwig out of her cage to lighten the load. She fluttered above him, hooting happily now that she was free.

After traveling what felt like the entire length of the train, he found an empty compartment and stared at the brackets up top. Deciding that it was just too much work, Harry crammed his trunk underneath his seat and scribbled a reminder on his arm using a stolen biro from Dudley, not that his fat cousin would notice, to put on his uniform when he got near the school.

Loki hissed incoherently as he shifted lightly on his arm, peaking his head out from Harry's sleeve to taste-smell the air. The shape-shifting snake had always been rather protective of him.

"Meet you at Hogwarts, love?" Harry cooed gently to Hedwig, who bobbed her head up and down. The window was open and she soared out gracefully, light floating off her downy white feathering.

Harry flopped down and stared at the biro, watching it twirl and spin above his palm, making sharp wand motions from all of his textbooks. Sharp downward flick, jerk straight out to the left – it was simple easy motions that had Harry's magic pulsing, not unlike when he was strengthening his aunt's garden.

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