Bryan's Future Funk

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Bryan "Bry" Masz was not the most popular DJ in London, but his music is incredible. He always wore a plastic face mask with bright, florescent colors all over it. He did not take off the mask until he got home. He always walked around in public without the mask because no one knew what he looked like without the mask on him. People never knew his full name, except from his family, manager, crew and his two closest friends, Mariah and Gio. His fans and the paparazzi never knew what his face looked like behind the mask. However, he did have a deformed face. The mask made him like a normal person, until he took it off. He always felt secure about himself when he did have on the mask. Without the mask, he was always made fun of whenever he would go out. He would get stared at by children, but he would always have a nice story to tell to them. Parents look at him differently whenever he tells the story. Which makes him feel ten times better.

Bryan was going to perform tonight at a school dance. He put on his mask and went outside to get into his car and already had the equipment inside his car already. Gio gave him a call and said that the school is thankful that he can come, the usual thanks he gets. Bryan pulled up into the school and was welcomed by the student consul and principal. A big sign that said Welcome Bry! on it. The principal went up to him and said his thanks and welcomed him along with some other things. They walked into the school and saw that the theme, he assumed, was neon night.

"We made it neon night because of your mask," said one of the members from the consul. He felt honored in a way, no one really did anything in honor of him. It was really all just him going, him getting thanks, signing autographs, and leaving.

"Thank you," he said. He walked into the gym, which was small, but it made his equipment seem like it took half of the room. Neon streamers hung across the room with balloons dangling from the middle. "It looked ten times cooler with the lights not on, trust me," said a consul member.

One of the member's turned off the lights and the balloons lite up like a night light and a disco ball was lowered and it illuminated the room with its light.

"I really like it," Bryan said. Just as he said that, Gio came in the room, "Wow, I wish they had this at my school dances," he said.

Bryan turned around and saw Gio. "Gio, my man!" he came up and hugged him. "This is my friend, Gio," Bryan said and Gio gave a wave to the consul members and the principal. They gave a hi and a wave back.

"Is this how you want it?" Gio asked looking at the gym.

"Yes, thank you Gio." Bryan mumbled something in Italian then Gio left.

"So the dance is at what time?" Bryan asked.

"I would like you here at. . . Mmm. . . 6:30? So you can prep before the dance starts," the principal said. The kids had already left so they can get ready for tonight. Bryan said his goodbye to the principal and left the school. Bryan got to his car and sighed. This is going to be one fun night, he thought.

He met up with Gio and Mariah at Starbucks to discuss what is going to happen at the dance. They were going to play several of his personal tracks and also have his CDs on sale, since the school advertised him selling his music. Along with a few other remix's that he has heard of, but no one has heard of. They departed from the Starbucks and Bryan got home. He took off his mask and turn on the TV, he was apparently he was on the news since he was playing at a school dance. He sighed because then paparazzi would come looking for him. Bryan turned off his location on his phone and he put down all of the blinds so no one can see him. He lite up a few candles and took a warm bath before the dance.

It was almost time for the dance and Bryan put on his black attire and his mask and walked out of the door and into his car. He backed up and was on his way to the school. He pulled up into the parking space and was about to walk into the school. While trying to get to the door, a middle age man with his camera tried to take a picture of him. He let him take the picture since he had on the mask, but he flipped him off. Bryan smiled at that, he walked into the school and his equipment was untouched since he last came here. He went over to it and he saw that Gio dropped off another coffee from Starbucks for him, he was going to need it, and a card from the school thanking him for coming in and being the dj for the school dance. He never got a card from someone for doing his job. He usually gets a face to face thank you even though they either don't mean it or they aren't really paying attention and they are more focused on the party than the thank you.
People started to come in and he just stood there in silence. Usually someone would announce his name and then he would do his "tuning" then he would drop a beat then the party would get started. One of the members of the consul, who he later learned that her name was Beth, came up and got the mic.
"I just want to thank all of you guys to come out and support our school dance. A big thanks goes out to our star dj, Bry. Let's give him a big round of applause guys!!"
The gym roared with clapping and a few woos here and there.
"Now without further ado, lets get this party started!!" Beth went off into the crowd and watched Bryan do his work. He touched the keyboard and pressed a note and went up a scale slowly. He did that with every scale till he stopped at a note then he dropped the beat. The crowd went nuts. People we jumping up and down and throwing their fists into the air. Bryan knew he was going to have a good time.
The dance ended at 10 and everybody went home. Beth thanked him again and the crew came around to help out with packing up. Bryan managed to sell a few CDs and gave out a few autographs and took a few pictures. The crew took everything and the gym was empty. He grabbed his keys and went to his car. He sat in it for a few seconds then turned it on. He pulled out and drove home. He was at a stop sign, looked both way then went on with his night. He looked the other way to double check, but he did not see the car on his left come speeding into Bryan's car.
The crash was brutal. The ambulance came and put him on a stretcher. He was coming in and out of life. He was on a stretcher, then he heard his named being called, then he fell back asleep.

Bryan woke up at his house again. He looked around and noticed nothing wrong. He sighed and went to the bathroom. He looked at his face, still his regular face, sadly. He did his usual routine then he looked outside his window and noticed that a man was running around with a camera. Paparazzi, shit, he thought. He looked for his mask, but he couldn't find it. He started to look everywhere for it. He looked on his dresser, couch, tables, any where that he could have placed it. He peeked at the window again and found that the guy who had his camera out when he first looked out had a group of friends surrounding him. Then within seconds a whole bunch of people came out of no where. Bryan ran downstairs and locked the doors, but somehow they managed to get in. They took pictures of him and asked him questions and gave out mean comments like "Oh my god your so ugly!" "Your music sucks!" "Did you come out of Satan's ass?"
The group laughed and took more photos. Bryan tried to cover his face, but the camera men pushed his arms aside. They then out down their camera and began to beat him up. Bryan stayed completely still and just let them beat him. He began to taste the blood that was going into his mouth. He then started to cry and Bryan was knocked out by the tenth punch.

Bryan woke up, again, on a silver table. He looked around but noticed something different, his arm had some silver in it. He tried moving his fingers, worked. He was able to move his arm and it worked like a regular arm. He was able to sit upright and then he saw a mirror. His face had some silver in it too. It was scary to look at first, but he liked it better than having a deformed face. He touched it, it was real metal on his face. He began to pick at it, then a person in a suit walked behind the mirror. "Like it huh?" The person said. Bryan nodded. "We saw your face and we wanted to fix it. So tell me, how do you feel?"

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