Amber and Mother Superior

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Amber sat on her bed and as she edited her photo of her and her boyfriend. She typed in eleven months in a cursive like font. She pressed the Instagram app on her IPhone and she uploaded it and gave a long caption about how she loved him. Almost what any girl would do for attention on their relationship. The only one who did not approve on this relationship was her mom. Ever since her mom had laid eyes on him, she would give a fake smile to him, say how glad she is to meet him. All of the things a mom would say to make him feel happy. The only thing she did not approve on was his past life. The boyfriend used to be a ginormous drug addict before they went out, they were still friends back then. She did not let Amber come close to that guy when he was doing drugs. Now, he told Amber's mom that he stopped and proved it on five photos of him dumping out the weed and the other drugs to a warehouse, abandon. Amber's mom still thinks that he still does drugs though, Amber does not. She tells her mom day after day that he does not do drugs anymore.

"Amber, can you come here please?" said her mom. Usually when her mom said something like that, it meant two things. It can be good, or bad, depending on how she said it. To Amber it usually means it's bad.

"What's up?" asked Amber.

"You said Spencer doesn't do drugs anymore right?"

"Are we seriously doing this again?" Amber said.

"Yes we are and answer my question,"

"Yes he does not do drugs anymore, why?"

"Then how come I got a phone call from the police that he is in jail? Found  with many drugs surrounding him and his buddies?" said her mom. She gave her the death stare. She replayed the memory of him saying he is coming clean and not doing it anymore.

"Where is the jail at?"

 Amber and her mom drove out, a half hour drive, to the town prison. She was able to make a call to Spencer.

"What the fuck, Spencer. What in Gods name happened? I trusted you, and now you turn into a huge drug addict. Again," 

Spencer laughed at her. "You know what? Were done, I am not going to bail you out, have fun in jail," she walked out and hung up the phone. She did not look back at Spencer. Amber walked out the door with the door of the jail slamming behind her. She got in the car and sat their for a few minutes. She didn't cry. She just sat there looking at the trees that were ahead of her.

"I never liked that guy anyway," said her mother. They stopped at a McDonalds on the way home. Amber looked at the same thing she always get, the fish burger she gets every time.

"It sucks when you can not eat certain things," says Amber. Her mom and Amber stepped up in line. Her mom ordered and Amber waited for the cups and she went to get the drinks. She got her usual drink, water, and got her mom a Sprite. Amber sat down and ate her sandwich, then she spit it out quickly.

"What the heck?" said Amber.

"What?" said her mom.

"I almost died again!" screamed Amber. Amber stormed out of the McDonalds and, once again, the door slammed twice behind her. Amber's mom went up to the counter and started asking questions that she could not her until she heard her say "My daughter can not have that!" it was then followed by "Can you give us a list of ingredients please? Or else I will call your manager,"

Amber, luckily, had the keys to her moms car and she unlocked it and sank in the passenger seat. She put in a Paramore CD and slowly fell asleep.

Amber was awaken by a poke and the next thing she knows is that she is taken out of the car and into a bush. Amber tried screaming it was not until they put duct tape over her mouth and injected her with something. She then passed out.

Amber woke up to herself being in a chair. She was surprisingly upright and not strapped. There was one container on the table. She tried picking it up and it would not budge. "What kind of person will have lock container and not hook me up so I won't escape?" Amber thought. She then saw two doors. She opened the one on her left, locked. Then tried to open the one on the right, locked. On the walls there were no pictures, but there were frames. Amber heard footsteps and she hurried back to her seat and tried to sat like she did before, but awake. She was shocked on who opened the door, her mother.

"Mom?" said Amber.

"I am not your mom," said her mother.

"How? I mean you look exactly like my mom. Curly black hair, brown eyes, and has a scar right by her lip. How can you not be my mother?" she asked. The clone of Amber's mom opened the first box, it was small, it looked harmless. Amber got nervous until she saw what it was, water.

"What?" she said while laughing. "your going to give me water? How is that suppose to kill me?"

Amber's clone mother gave her the glass and Amber drank the whole thing. Amber sat down in her chair feeling relaxed, till she saw the bubbles that her forming on her arms. Amber remembered the thing that she drank that was in a Sprite can that caused her to blow up bubbles like this. This was the same thing. Not only were there bubbles, her fingers were inflating.

"What is happening to me?" Amber screamed. Amber passed out after saying that.

She then woke up with her fingers at their normal, skinny self and her arms fine. She looked down at her legs and everywhere else. She then found her look alike mother across the long table, staring at her with her hazel eyes.

"How do you feel?" she said as her eyes rolled back so that it was just white.


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