Marie's Scrap Metal

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Marie is an innocent women. She lives by herself in a small town in North Dakota. Origanally came from Mexico. She lives with two cats, Marley and Johanna. Marie's daily job is unordinary for a woman who is thirty-two, she is a constuction worker. Everyday, she wakes up, makes herself breakfest, watches the news, then goes to Lea-Mia Coffe, a local coffee shop a few blocks away from the constuction site. She gets her coffee from the same person everyday, John. Marie almost knows his whole life. She has offered advice in one sentence. Since she has to go to work. Those words have meant a lot to John. She saw him get married, saw him worry about his first child. John was only a college student, ten years younder than Marie. After Marie will get her coffee, she will listen to the radio and jam out to the tunes that the teenagers will be listening to. She gets the lyrics and even dances to them when she is at home. Then, she arrives at the site in ten minutes, at the excat time everyday. Her car will always have a new song blasting every time she opens the door. Her boss always looks at her and questions her, why does she listen to that type of music, and/or, what song is playing now?

Marie doesn't even need to listen to the question, because that is all her boss will say to her when she pulls in the parking lot.

"It's Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, Carl," she says as she gets her purse and turns off her car. She puts on her sunglasses and walks off. She signs in, "What's coming in?" she asks. Usually nothing comes in at this hour of the day. Usually, stuff will come in in the middle of the day or towards the end of the day so they don't have to wait the next day.

"Were getting the metal today. It's scrap metal from an old train, since this is going to be a museum. I thought it would bring flare into the building. You'll like the colors once you see them," says Carl as he pats Marie's shoulder. He walks off to another worker. Marie walks to her station. She walks up to the only person that she talks to, Angie. Angie helped her out since she has moved to America. She even got her this job and her house.

"Do you think it is weird that an order for scrap metal is coming this early?" Marie asks.

"Carl did only think of this last night. He then called up this guy he found on the internet- I'm pretty sure it is craigslist- who just happened to have big, old, spare parts of a train. The train is almost a century old. Or was it twenty years? I forget," said Angie drinking her coffee. Angie noticed that Carl got up on a table with the megaphone in his hands.

A loud beep is followed before he speaks. "Ow, OK people! I just got a phone call that the train parts you have heard about are coming! They should be here in five minutes. So wash your hands and gloves and it's a go!" Carl shuts off the megaphone and jumps off the table. Marie and Angie walk to the "Hand washing station" as Carl put it when he started this. People started to talk quietly about the train parts. A person next to Marie started talking to her. She was just a beginner, like Marie. She wore big sunglasses that were bidazzled. She had her black hair pulled up in a messy bun.

"I heard these train parts are cursed," she said.

"How would you know?" Marie asked.

"Before I came into this business. I studied, and still do, study history. There was this major crash that no one knew about back in the 1950's. It apparently carried the Hope Diamond,"

Now Marie, she didn't go to college, so she didn't know about the Hope Diamond.

"What is the Hope Diamond?" Marie asked.

The lady sighed. "The Hope Diamond is a cursed saphire diamond that if anyone touched it, they will be cursed for life and die with in days. So when a man who was suppose to transport it to the Smithsonian held onto it. The train crashed and everyone on the train died,"

"What about the diamond?"

"The diamond was left uncracked, untouched, throughout the whole trip. It baffled the police a lot. But they managed to transport it to the Smithsonian. Days later, both police died in a shoot out while chasing a crimminal,"

"Wow," said Marie.

"That's why I'm a little worried about this building, that it might be the next crash in this small town," the lady dried her hands and left.

"Who was that?" asked Angie.

"Some crazy history addic," said Marie. As soon as she said that, the truck with the part pulled in the parking lot. The driver came out and shook Carl's hand. All of the workers except for that lady helped out with taking the scrap train parts out of the truck. Marie was toward the end when it happened. What happened was that she got knocked out when the end of the part she was carrying hit her in the head.

Marie woke up on the ground of a city. She did not know where the city is because she never went out of state. She thought she saw pictures of the city before. She thought it was called New York City of something. She turned around and she saw people running away from something behind them. She asked the person next to her, "Why are they running?"

"Oh my God," said the person. "the buildings, all of them, they're coming apart, and they're falling. One by one, the screws fell and the metal dropped. It would land on several people. Crushing their lives. Marie was not a fast runner, so she told herself she would not survive this. She ran as fast as she could. Then a black truck appeared from the corner, "Get in," said the driver. He already opened the door for her and Marie got in as fast as she could.

"What is happening? Why are all of the buildings coming apart?" she said.

"We don't know. I was their when the first building fell, actually, I was inside the building. I fell from a window, landed on this car, and I drove around and found you," said the driver.

"Jason," he said as he offered his free hand to Marie.

"Marie," as soon as she said that, a peice of scrap metal fell from the sky and landed on her. The car was smashed and Jason was already dead. Then a man in a white suit came and asked a question to Marie.

"How do you feel?" the person asked.


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