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Hi! Welcome to a CHANGBIN X BANG CHAN, LEE KNOW, SEUNGMIN, OT7  one shot book. 

I just wanted to make a few things clear before I start this book~

1. You can request anything but here are the topics I will not be writing

Werewolf, Vampire, Omegaverse, M-preg (I know these are like supernatural topics and shit I am not comfortable with writing these types of stories), and lastly Smut.

I do not feel comfortable writing these topics.

2. Please do not repost my work and do not leave any bad comments.

This is all rightfully mine.

3. You can request in this format down below~

~Genre(fluff, angst...)

Ship name|names.

any extra character (if needed like all members will be included OC!).



This is not really important just mention if I should mention you.
And thank you for picking this book. Hope you enjoy.


SELF HARM, ABUSE, RAPE....etc.[MOSTLY FLUFF]. Not exactly a TW.

If you feel uncomfortable please skip the chapters which include those topics.

Just a small heads up - if I mention any siblings, parents, or any family member they are all made up people. I am not referring to anyone's real parents.

i am not very good at updating, so I'll probably post once or twice a week since I am a busy person.

Thank you so much for picking this book hope you enjoy.

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