Finally Ours-

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Ship - Changbin x OT7
Theme - Pure Fluff
TW - None
Not requested.
OC - None
A|N- Really sorry I finally wrote after a month and I will get longer ones out for now enjoy.

Seo Changbin, a kind, sweet, loud and ethereal boy. Of course he had to be a part of the royal family. Changbin was gay and of course his parents supported him. And lastly he was in love, with seven people, all at once.

Those seven people were his guards. They were all together for around 1 year. Today was their anniversary so they took the day off. Changbin was bored out of his mind until he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" he said softly but loud enough. Opening the door Chan entered slowly shutting the door with a soft click.

"Oh Channie hyung what are you doing?" Changbin asked looking at his Hyung, "I just wanted to take you some where, will you?" He asked holding his hand out. "But shouldn't you be with your boyfriends?" Changbin said confused looking at his hand then at his face.

"Don't worry about that, so?" Changbin grabbed the boys' hand confused, but didn't say anything. Following Chan Changbin knew where they were going. The garden only he, his sister, and the 7 boys knew.

Entering the garden Changbin saw the garden filled with all 7 which included his sister Alyssa. They were all playing around like kids. Hyunjin and Han were arm wrestling as Felix watched. Jeongin and Seungmin were joking around rolling on the grass. His sister was sat with Minho arguing while playing a game.

All of them spotted Changbin, Alyssa quickly left. Chan grabbed Changbins had yet once again and dragged him a bit more forward. Chan took the chance and kissed the boy, which shocked him.

All of them doing the same, "Changbin will be our boyfriend" Shocked for the 10th time that day Changbin blushed and nodded. Getting a surge of confidence Changbin gave each one a kiss.

They all ended up enjoying their time. But Changbin was scared to tell his parents. His sister had joined them after a while congratulating all of them as both her and Minho went back to playing that stupid game.


After a week Changbin had the guts to tell his parents. "Mom, Dad" he said entering their bedroom. His sister was there yet once again asleep on their mom's shoulder. "Changbin honey is something wrong you look nervous." His mom said putting the book she was reading down.

"No, I just wanted to tell you-." He inhaled "I'm in a relationship" He exhaled his eyes closed peeking an eye open. He saw his parents with a fond smile. "That's amazing Son when do we get to meet him?" His dad asked. "It's actually them" he squeaked out. "Really that's even more amazing."

"It's Channie Hyung and the others" He said happily. His father was proud that his son picked the right people. "Bin we'll love you no matter who you date, it's your life baby." His mom said patting the bed. He smiled and hoped onto the bed laying his head on his mother's lap, falling asleep instantly.

A guard was quick to call all 7 of them to the room. Bowing quickly Chan knew they knew something. "Sorry that I can't come shake your hand," she said, pointing her two kids. The king quickly entered the room after finishing up some work.

The door opened again a young boy around Alyssa's age appeared. "Ah Seungjae, you're back my boy," the king greeted. Seungjae who was apparently Alyssa's boyfriend, quickly took the sleeping girl and left.

The room was filled with hushed chatters from all of them. After a while they took the boy to his room and tucked him into bed.

All of them going back to duty. As well as checking on the boy once in a while.

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