Crazy for you-

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Ship - Changbin x Minho x Seungmin
Theme - Fluff, Angst, blood.
TW - abuse, Blood, Alcohol, kissing with consent.
Not requested.
OC - Deo-seok, Alyssa, Cathy, Jae-ho
A|N- facts the first part was taken from a tik tok.

"Alyssa, don't you dare talk about your mother like that, you don't know shit about her!" Dong-seok screamed at his daughter, "She was never here" The 20 year old screamed back, "She was a beautiful, crazy, fragile and a wonderful woman" Her father snapped.

Changbin, 17, sitting on the roof of his house listening to his sister argue with his sobber dad. Changbin loved his elder sister so much she was there for him when his dad would try and physically abuse him, she took all the pain and blame, she took responsibility of him.

"She deserted us" Alyssa spat her voice filed with hate. "She loved us" Their dad said in the same tone, "THAT was love?" Changbin's sister asked emphasizing 'that' "Yes! Yes! It is." Her dad said throwing his hands in the air, "Okay then why did she leave?" Alyssa asked done with her father.

The whole reason of this stupid fight was because of her father always coming home drunk after their mother left.

Alyssa, who was tired of her dad constantly abusing his son. She was only living for the sake of Changbin she loved Changbin so much. She even slept in the same room with Changbin even today, because how the poor boy was so afraid of his own father.

"You don't know what you're talking about" her dad slurred even though he was sober. "If she loved us so much, why isn't she here?" She asked loudly, eyes glossy, but she stayed strong. "She tried,she always tried-" Seok getting cut off by his daughter screaming "She wasn't here! She wasn't fucking here! She left!"

"I was 9", she said, her voice calming down a bit. "9 and taking care of YOU" she screamed again pointing at her father. "Taking care of all 3 of us" Alyssa said, "I was in fourth grade dragging your ass passed out from the yard so you wouldn't freeze to death." She said looking at her father with hate in her eyes.

"Staying up all night when Changbin had gotten sick, I took care of both of you. I packed lunch for Changbin everyday not Cathy!" "ME!" she screamed, his voice cracking a bit. "You are one hell of a father you have done nothing to compromise!" she screamed. "You leave, nothing will change, because I pay the rent, I clean the house, I cook and I earn the money." She said lowly pointing at seok who stayed silent.

"You have done nothing NOTHING and you will never do anything for us," she said, storming up the stairs and into her room.

Changbin POV~

Only God knew what his father was even doing at this moment.

I looked over at my best friend's house opposite to mine, I heard laughter coming from the window. Lee Minho one of my best friends, his cold demeanor was nothing compared to his soft side and Kim Seungmin Minho's boyfriend sat by the bay window in Minho's room laughing and talking.

They stopped laughing they probably saw me. I immediately got up and climbed back into my room. Alyssa was sitting on the bed reading a book with her glasses resting on her nose. She was pretty as hell her jet black hair, her pretty eyes and just everything about her was amazing.

I was ugly with the same color hair, same color eyes skinny but buff body. But she was there through my hard times because that's what a sibling does.

"Changbin, don't start again" Alyssa spoke without looking up from her book. "Come here", she said sighing. I had already changed, so I quickly walked towards the bed and slipped under the blanket. I laid my head on her lap as she ran a hand through my hair. I fell asleep right after.

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