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Ship - Changbin x Seungmin.
Theme - Fluff, Angst.
TW - Major character death.
Not requested.
OC! - Alyssa, mark, Sarah, Jason , Jack

Kim Alyssa, the school's most feared student. She was, let's say, unique in her own way. She stood out among the other students in her all black clothes that she sometimes wore or her bright color sweater. She was a straight A student when she was a kid and still is even though being the school's mischievous brat.

Changbin POV~

"Bye hyungs" I waved to Chan and Minho, I ran to class as I was getting late. I quickly went inside my class and sat down in my usual spot at the back of the class. As I sat down, waiting for the teacher to enter, I felt a presence next to me. I turned to see the two boys I hoped to not see today.

"What do you want Mark?" I sneered "I don't need anything, I need-" Before he could finish the teacher entered "Mark come to the front of the class" The professor called out he just sighed getting up and moving to the front of the class not before smacking the back of my head.

"Sorry about him he woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess." Jack, Mark's best friend who was way better than the devil. I just smiled at him we spoke through the class and made sure to not tell him anything way too private.

After class, I ran out to meet my boyfriend, Seungmin "Minnie" I screamed as I ran towards him seeing him with our group in front of our lockers. No one looked as I screamed, seeing as it was quite normal. I ran and jumped into his arms my legs wrapping around his waist.

"How were your first few classes?" he asked, kissing the tip of my nose making me giggle. "It was great" I said "what class do you have next bin hyung?" Jisung asked. I turned to him, "Chemistry", I said sighing because Mark was in that class also and I didn't want to deal with him.

The hallways became hushed whispers. I turned to see who was coming. I saw Alyssa walking towards wherever she was going. Her lip was busted it was bleeding slightly a few scratches on her face here and there.

The bell rung, I jumped out of Seungmin's arms and opened my locker. "What does she get her self into?" Felix asked shuddering slightly "It's whatever who cares" Jeongin replied "okay, we're getting late" Hyunjin said running off with Felix and Jisung, Seungmin kissing me before running off too.

I sat down randomly having no mood to pick a seat. "Hey loser" It was Mark's voice, he was sat behind me. For the rest of the class he was just annoying me and throwing paper balls with disgusting words written on it.

Alyssa POV~

I walked into the chemistry class since sports class was cancelled and I was bored. I looked around and saw Mark throwing erasers and paper balls at Changbin. I sighed as I stuffed my hands in the pocket of my pants and walked over to them. I pulled the chair out next to Changbin and sat down.

He stopped doing shit after I sat down. Changin looked at me and started choking on his chocolate. He started coughing and I noticed he didn't have water, so I got up went out through the back exit of the class, grabbed an unopened water bottle from a random guy and went back in to see Mark annoying him by taking his glasses and dangling it as Changbin struggled to get it, his friend trying to stop him only to be pushed away.

I walked behind Mark and smacked him hardly on the back of his head. He stood up and looked at me. "What the fuck dude that hurt?" he said, pushing my shoulder harshly. "Fucking bitch" I scoffed, looking to the side then back at him. "Excuse me what" he asked. After hearing what I said, "Fucking bitch" I said again a bit loudly. Class was over so the teacher had left thankfully.

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