Cuddle with me-

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Ship - ChanMinBin~
Theme - Fluff
TW- none

Minho POV~

I walked down to see the table set as usual a stack of pancakes sitting in the middle of the table. Knowing that Changbin was not going to wake up for another hour Chan had made relatively less seeing that Changbin would just eat out of my plate or Chan's.

I entered the kitchen and went straight to Chan who was washing the pan. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Good morning to you too" He spoke chuckling, I just hummed.

As me and Chan were eating breakfast and chatting Changbin stood sleepily near the entrance of the kitchen rubbing his eyes trying to adjust to the light. "Good morning bin" Chan said "come here" I called, he quickly walked over to me his feet padding against the wooden floor he sat down on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I quickly snaked my arms around his waist.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Chan asked moving his chair closer to mine and running his hand through Bin's hair, "can we stay home cuddle and watch movies?" Changbin asked he lifted his head to make eye contact with Chan.

"Of course bub", he replied, "First eat then we can finish cleaning the house then we can cuddle". I smiled at him giving a peck on the lips he just groaned throwing his head back in response not wanting to do chores. "Okay, you can eat we'll finish the chores." Chan said standing, making Changbin look at him with a pout. "Bin, our house needs to be clean. The members may come over tomorrow for lunch." Chan said, quickly pecking Bin before going off to brush his teeth.

"Eat quickly, me and Channie will be back okay?" I said gently, pushing him of my lap making him sit on the chair giving the rest of the pancakes on my plate to him.

I entered the kitchen after we had finished the rooms. All the dishes on the table left the way they were when me and Chan had left to go clean. I looked at Chan already done with Bin, "Min, you know he's not good at chores. He hurt himself while washing dishes, I don't even know how? And he's been over working himself recently." He said his voice fading out a bit in the end. "Where even his he." I said sighing.

After finishing the rooms, the bathroom, kitchen, and hallways practically the whole apartment we entered the living room which Chan had cleaned this morning. The sound of the T.V being heard faintly in the background Changbin had been calling us for the past hour asking if we were done every five minutes making us rush but it stopped after a while making us curious at what he was doing.

We entered the living room tired and worn out holding a tray of snacks and drinks. Changbin had stayed in the studio for a whole day with out sleep or food just a bunch of snacks and water. I turned around fully and saw Bin sleeping peacefully on the couch we had placed in the corner of the room.

He was hugging a pillow while being cuddled up to a corner. He looked so cute my heart melted at the sight. I set down the tray and walked towards where he was and crouched down in front of him Chan right next to me. I pushed his hair which was falling on his eyes away. "Binnie wake up", Chan gently shook him, "bin, you have to wake up, let's move to the couch." Chan said standing up about to walk away to go grab blankets but Changbin grabbed his hand and pulled him making Chan stumble a bit. Changbin immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around Chan's neck.

"Binnie let me go grab the blankets, I'll be back," Chan said chuckling trying to get out of Changbin's grip but failed. "I'll grab them" I said. I quickly went towards our (actually Chan's room), grabbed his favorite blanket and one of Chan's hoodie, knowing the younger would want one later.

I walked into the living room to see Changbin cuddled up by Chan's side, looking at the TV sleepily while Chan ran a hand through his hair which Changbin liked a lot when we're cuddling, or so he would always take and place one of our hands on his head we had gotten used to it.

"I love you guys" he sleepily mumbled before falling asleep making us chuckle at him.

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