Chapter 1 (introduction and backstory)

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Melody is a borrower. She always thought she looked like her parents, mostly because she has both their eye colors, one of her eyes are a golden color like her moms, and the other is brown like her dads. Her hair goes halfway down her back, with a chestnut color like her dads short hair. Straight at first but gets curly halfway down, like her moms black hair. Her skin is a nice shade with a few freckles on her face but barely noticeable. She's also only 3 and a quarter inches tall, with a deep love for music.

Borrowers looked a lot like humans, but there's only a few features that differentiated them. First off, they had tails. Their tails look a lot like jerboa tails, skinny with a poof of fur at the end. Melody's tail is 4 inches long, so it's longer than her whole self, but that's convenient for her because she can use it to help her climb or hold stuff. Second, their teeth looked razor sharp, like cat teeth. Useful for scaring away smaller predators and eating tough foods. Third, they had ears like a jerboa, long and cute. Their ears are usually up or down depending on how they are feeling at times.

Melody has been living her whole life in one home in the walls of a human house.

This house was far away from the nearest town. It's surrounded by woods on all sides, except for the driveway that leads out. The house has two bedrooms, one master bedroom, a kitchen, living room, and a bathroom to each bedroom. It does not have an upstairs or downstairs. The backyard was fairly small and the front yard only consisted of a driveway.

She's been alone since she was nine years old, ever since her parents went out on a borrowing trip and never came back.

The people living there when they went missing,was a married couple in their thirties, with a pet cat. Maybe they where in that house of three bedrooms hoping to have kids, but they moved away two years later after her parents went missing.

Melody always jumped to conclusions and always thought of the worst case scenario, so when her parents went missing, she automatically thought it was the cat.

After the couple moved away when she was only eleven winters old, she had nobody to borrow from, so she got hungry and desperate. She went out of the house into the woods to find food. While she was alone for about a year, she found that sounds are interesting.

Her interest in different sounds became an interest in music, she started tapping her feet a lot and humming her own little tunes. This led from her parents singing to her at night so she would sleep, and her mother humming to her when she got scared.

Her parents always taught her things she needed to know to survive, just incase they weren't around anymore. She started creating things that made her little life a little bit easier, like a little stove to boil water or a pipe system that brings water from the outside into her house. Also to not be seen by bigger creatures because that would mean certain death.

With her new growing love for music and her ability to create things, it led to strings on a stick. You could compare it to a guitar. Three strings and they all made a different sound. Every day she would sit down and play her little stick with strings, getting better and better every day, sounding the way she felt. If she had a good day, it would be happy sounding and fast, if her day was sad it would be slow and sorrowful.

Melody started to get used to her life in the walls of an empty house living off of things from the outside, and having the whole house to roam through and have all of that open space to run around in without worrying about anything seeing you.

Soon a year passed, Melody was now twelve winters old. Never expected a family of four came barging in with boxes and luggage. She didn't like the idea of humans living in her home again, the one thing she was hoping was that she would never have to see another filthy human again.

In this new family, there where two parents and two kids. The father looked about forty, with black short hair and blue eyes, taller than all the other three. The mother was the second tallest with blond long hair and grey sky eyes, looked about in the late thirty's old.

The kids seemed to take traits from both parents as the oldest sibling was a sister. Found out shes seventeen years old, with her moms blond hair and looks, she also took her fathers blue eyes. The youngest kid is ten years old with his fathers black silky hair with his mothers grey sky eyes.

Melody actually didn't hate the youngest one as much as the others for some reason. Something about him was calm and sincere like it was hard for her to hate him, maybe it was the way he looked, but she has never seen other humans except for the old owners, so why did she feel such a connection with the little boy. He didn't seem too bothered by the move being at such a young age.

She soon found out all of their names, the father is Daniel, the mother is Rita, the sister is Cara, while the little boys name was Shaun.

Melody couldn't stop thinking about Shaun, and it was only the first night. Her home was in the walls between the two kid bedrooms, with a hall leading from her home to the outside and a hall leading to little hidden doors throughout the house.

Shaun unknowingly ended up putting his bed right over one of the hidden doors that Melody uses. Cara had put a shelf in front of the hidden door in her room so Melody couldn't use that door anymore because the shelf blocked it.

Over the next few days, Melody couldn't find the right time to play on her little guitar because she was too afraid that the humans could hear her through the walls. She put it away so she couldn't even think of playing it anymore and risking her life.

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