Chapter 5

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The next day Melody was a little worried that Shaun would be too curious about the noise. She made sure that he wouldn't go looking for hidden doors, there was, but borrower sized of course.

He went on with his day like usual, but with a little more focus. He would stop occasionally and listen to see if he could hear the noise again.

Even though he thought it could only be his imagination, he had room for a little hope and imagination in his life. His life is kinda boring staying home all the time doing home school and chores.

After he got everything done he went outside, not into the woods like he usually does but around the house apparently looking for signs of anything that could have made the noise.

Melody didn't like it. She was so tempted to just write a note and pretend to be a ghost to make him stop searching for what he didn't know was her.

Actually, the idea was pretty tempting. What's the worst that could happen, and she did kinda want to do something a little more exciting that wouldn't put her at risk.

WAIT! What was she thinking!? How could she possibly do something so reckless even after last night. There was no way she was going to do anything that would be a sign of her being there.

Later that day Shaun came back inside looking all defeated because he didn't find the answer to his problem. Melody took pitty on him, but silently of course. Maybe there's another way.

Nope, nuh uh. Can't even do anything that would even have Shaun think she's there. After the incident last night she was lucky he didn't hear too much.

Melody needed to start securing the hidden doors or Shaun will find one if he actually started looking. She couldn't even imagine what would happen if he even found any evidence of her even existing.

It sent chills down her spine, her parents did say that humans are never nice to our kind, no matter how nice they are to other humans they won't ever think twice before doing something horrible to you.

Of course, that was rumored from generations of borrowers. Hopefully it's not true anymore, Melody, deep down, is hoping that Shaun, if he ever found her, would be so nice to her. Metaphorically that is.

Sometimes she would day dream of them being friends and talking about random stuff. She misses having someone to talk to, she's been missing it for so long. Ever since her parents went gone, Melody has been so lonely. Maybe even touch starved.

For that, she even tried to make alternatives. Trying to get sticks and leaves to create something her size like another borrower. She's even tried getting a pet, like a small fluffy spider with those big cute eyes.

The spider she got wasn't very nice though. Tried to bite her. She kicked it out almost immediately. Tried small frogs, they got slime everywhere. Toads? Too big and warty. She even got desperate and caught a fly, it kept stealing her meals though, so that wasn't working out.

Couldn't find anything bigger because it tried to eat her, she's tried. Even one of the toads she was checking out tried to eat her but good thing she didn't fit, it was one big stupid toad. It got a hook in the mouth because she was using it to make it let go of her.

It's only been her, well her and her borrower sized guitar, and to mention that she made a stuffed animal thing with cotton. She still doesn't know what she made but it's big enough to be used for a pillow.

She calls it Itchy, because the fabric she made it with was a little irritating to the skin sometimes. It also needs to be washed, but how? She can't wash it so it's laying in a chair somewhere in her home.

Anyways, when Shaun was done for the day, his family was home and everything. They had their dinner and now their going to do a board game because why not.

Melody was always curious of their board games, they sometimes called it family night. They had many games and tonight they where playing monopoly. Apparently it's a very long game and it lasts forever. Usually everybody gets too tired before finishing it so nobody ever wins.

It's a shame they play a game that they never finish all the way. However, Shaun is always the one trying to convince the others that they should keep playing. They just get too tired and lose interest.

Melody would keep playing with Shaun, she wanted to play any game with anybody. She was so lonely especially when they had family night. It always reminded her of her parents. Even though they didn't have game nights like Shaun's family did.

That night everybody went to bed without finishing the game like always, but something was different. Shaun, he usually just stays up on his phone, but tonight he just kept staring at the ceiling. I had to keep an eye on him to make sure he wouldn't do anything that she didn't want him doing.

After a while she got too tired and bored so she just decided to go to sleep. When she got back to her home, she was just about to get in bed when she hears Shaun. He started talking about something that sounded like it was directly for Melody.

He said "I don't know if you can hear me, or if you even exist at all, but I heard a bit of music last night and I have been trying to figure out where it came from. If your some kind of mythical creature like a fairy or a ghost I want to know. I wouldn't tell anyone, but I also want to know more of what the sound was".

Melody was freaking out. She did not expect him to do anything like that at all. She then decided that maybe he was really determined and tired. Maybe just talking to himself a little bit.

However, Melody did not really think anything through. She was tired and didn't know what she was doing. Then she goes up the wall levels where it gets a little bit to get closer to Shaun, who's on the other side so he could hear her. Yes she is about to do what your thinking, but not exactly.

"OooooOooo, ShaaAuuUn, I aM a ghOst, aNd iF yOu kEep sEarcHing fOr mE I Will hAuNt yOu", echoed Melody

Shaun was terrified. He thought he had messed up big time. He then decided that he would no longer look for anything related to the noise.

Melody wasn't done, "iF yOu liKeD mY ghOsTly mUsiC thEn I Will plAy iT mOre OftEn", she echoed again.

Shaun was happy to hear it, so the noise was music. He couldn't wait to actually hear music by a ghost. It was silly to think about, but if he stayed quiet about it and didn't get curious then him and this so called ghost could coexist. Maybe even make friends with this ghost. Who knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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