Chapter 4

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Melody heads back to her little home in the walls to fetch her guitar. She vividly remembers putting it in a small closet like room  somewhere.

After a few minutes, she found the small storage room. When she opened it, she was met with a wall of junk gathered through the years. She was a little annoyed with herself for not organizing this mess when she took all her free time going outside or watching Shaun.

She really didn't want to search through the mass and make a mess, but her desire to find that guitar again was too strong. She decided that this was the perfect opportunity to organize this stuff and throw out all the useless stuff while she looked for the guitar.

A couple of hours passed with her just sitting there and remembering where she got most of this stuff. At least she threw some stuff out that she didn't need, totally not a hoarder.

Finally, after a long time of organizing junk, she found that little stick with strings of hers. In the very back like it was the first thing she threw in here, forgotten, for years.

As she pulls it out of that dusty closet she then remembers why she put it up in the first place. She felt depressed thinking that she could never play it unless the humans where gone.

Although, she was desperate to find a way to play it. She thought of everything that she could do, but every option came with the same risk. Being heard by a human. Any option wouldn't do, she had to find the least risky option.

First, she thought of the woods. It's secluded out there, the only problem is that it was quiet and she didn't know when Shaun would take a stroll through the woods without her knowing. Also, there was animals that threaten to eat her, like hawks.

The second option would be more risky if getting caught instead of eaten, she could wait till everybody is asleep and play her guitar in the middle of the night. The only problem was that she never knew if Shaun was up reading or just asleep.

Also, it's more quiet and more likely to be heard. Both options remained too risky and she was about to give up on playing her guitar for a long time, either when they move out or go on a vacation. They take vacations very rarely though so that would be a tough choice.

Then it came to her, the most brilliant idea. She was kinda mad at herself for not realizing it sooner. She could play it while it's raining. The rain usually drowns out noises, but it can't be any rainy day, it needs to be at night with thunder.

It was the the perfect idea, and she almost squealed in excitement until she remembered that Shaun was right outside the wall in his room. She didn't know what to do with herself anymore, she has become a mess since this boy came into her life.

So it was settled, she would only play her guitar in thunder storms, but also when they where all away from the house of course. Only she didn't know the next time it would storm.

Melody was in a predicament, she didn't know what to do. She was determined to play her guitar as soon as possible. She then just decided to play her guitar that night when everybody is asleep.

She wouldn't wait for a storm, it could take weeks. She would play it for a little bit that night and that would be it. After tonight, she will then wait for a storm no matter how long it took for it to come.

Now that she thought of it, it hasn't rained in a while in their area. She was just getting even mor impatient the more she thought of it.

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