Chapter 3

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Four winters have passed, Shaun is still living in that house in the woods with his familly.

Melody is now sixteen winters old, she watched Shaun every day for a those years, she also knew that he was now fourteen.

She saw him as a child, but he never acted like one, he always acted older than what he was.

Strangely enough, she still had this fondness for him, this kind of attraction towards him. She never knew why, but she always loved it when he would play music on his phone during the day, now that he was old enough to be by himself, although he was still also being homeschooled.

Melody would be high up on his shelf while he played the music and she would hum or sing along with it. She always had to be careful though because he could hear her if she was loud enough.

He would always listen to music he could feel like dancing to, sometimes he would forget what he's doing and keep dancing to the beat till that songs over.

At night, when everybody is supposed to be asleep, Melody borrows like always. But Shaun stays up later than what a human normally would, he is always on his phone staring at long lists of words. He would go to bed early and sit there and read for hours before going to sleep.

At least he didn't go to school because he had eye bags every morning from staying up late, he always sleeps in till late morning or noon every time he stays up late.

Melody would get worried every night that Shaun would get out of bed to get a glass of water and see her borrowing. Even though he would be too sleep deprived to remember anything, he could still try to catch her or do something else in that state.

She never did see him get out of bed afterwards so she was probably safe enough to borrow every night. He would eventually fall asleep before she does so that gives her a bit of free time to not be worried about being heard.

However, Melody did always worry that he would be half asleep sometimes and hear her a little bit but think nothing of it because he's so tired. Although, He could remember it while he's awake, and wonder if he actually heard it or it was his imagination.

Every day she thinks of him as this kind child when she also thinks that he is this terrifying giant that could do anything to her and she would be powerless against him.

She would always imagine becoming friends with the human, but she always told herself to be smart and don't do anything she would regret doing in the future.

Not being able to interact with him in any way, she always feels bad for being a little stalker for all these years. He did get more interesting to stalk though as time passed.

His hobby's and interests kind of changed up, but the main and often ones stayed the same like loving nature and taking trips into the forest, for what was almost all day was now an hour or two.

There have been plenty of times when Melody thought she was seen. Mostly on the top of Shaun's shelf. Since he got older he got much taller as well. His parents keep record of his height marked on the wall in the hallway corner. She thinks she remembers them saying he's 6,1 feet or something like that.

For humans that's aparently tall, his parents are tall as well though so it's probably in his genes. His sister is also tall, but he is still taller.

For melody that didn't make any different because Melody would still be 3 and a quarter inches tall, and towered over by any human.

One day, Shaun is in his room listening to music on his phone while reading and he likes to listen to the calming stuff while he reads.

Usually, that's when Melody will go back to her house in the walls because she stayed to listen before and almost fell asleep. She is unaware if she is a snorer, a heavy sleeper or not. She would rather not fall asleep so she doesn't get found by Shaun or any other human.

This particular day, she really wanted to stay a bit longer, she was determined not to fall asleep. That's when she heard it, a tune made by a guitar. Melody knew it sounded a bit familiar, but nothing she's ever heard before.

Little by little, memories of her little stick with strings came back, it never sounded like a guitar, but it still had strings and tunes similar to how a guitar plays.

Melody then was regretting her decision on putting up the guitar. She had forgotten it for years only to remember it now. Melody almost starts crying so she goes back into the walls before she could let out a cry that Shaun could have heard if she wasn't back in the walls.

At most, it could have been a light mouse sound that the most keen on hearing could only hear. Shaun has really good hearing but not good enough to hear her.

So Melody leaves the area and heads back to her little home in the walls to see if she left the guitar where she thinks she left it all those years ago.

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