Atoms And Alcohol

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Later that day Lorraine was sitting by the pool, the same spot she was in the first night she spent in Cousins. Talking with Steven made her question some things she had never really thought about. She wasn't sure being here was the best decision. Belly was so distant they were practically strangers. She hadn't said more than a handful of sentences to Jeremiah or Susana. Steven was cool, as always, but he was leaving.

Conrad was the best part of the trip, but she was beginning to think the time she spent with him was having a negative effect on her relationship with Belly. Lorraine didn't mean anything by it but she knew Belly could be sensitive about things. Still, everyone seemed to be having trouble reaching Conrad, and she didn't love the idea of casting him aside if he might actually let her in.

She was seriously considering going back home with Taylor, though she wasn't even sure she was willing to wait out the couple of weeks left before she arrives.

The silence in the house was suffocating, but outside it was peaceful. The boys had gone out and Belly was out somewhere with the parents.

Lorraine made ripples in the water, debating whether or not she should go back inside and get her phone to listen to music or text Taylor. The waves crashed against the beach, drawing her thoughts back to her earlier quest for sea glass. She had been unsuccessful that time, but it was lighter out now, the sun wouldn't set for about an hour and a half, plenty of time.

She was lifting her hand out of the pool when the backdoor opened and four boys walked out. They were talking amongst themselves and they had beer.

Lorraine waited them out, hand frozen in the air as she observed them from a distance. They headed for the pool chairs. She wasn't sure if they were even going to acknowledge her, the beach was seeming like the best option at the moment.

Conrad bypassed the pool chairs entirely, gracelessly taking the spot next to Lorraine. Steven and Jeremiah glanced over but the other guy demanded their attention and they gave in easily.

"Did you know that every atom in your body is billions of years old?" He was looking up, as though he could see the stars if he tried hard enough.

"No, I didn't. Isn't most of it just stardust though?"

"You say that like it isn't the coolest thing ever. You, Lorraine, are made of stars." If there was ever a reason why Belly would have a crush on Conrad, this was it. Lorraine looked away from his gaze, looking out at the beach instead, thinking of the waves and the salt.

"You're an idiot." She breathed as though it would save her. She was realizing now just how dangerous Conrad was. Lorraine wanted nothing more than to talk to Taylor right now.

"Are you guys going anywhere?" She asked him, turning back to face him.


"If everyone is so worried you're smoking they're probably not going to like the alcohol." Lorraine pointed out, tipping her head toward the beer in Conrad's hands. He was fiddling with the sticker. He shrugged.

"We're going to a bonfire." He looked back at the others, then turned to her and added, "Do you want to come?"

Lorraine looked down at the pool.

"No. Thanks but it's a bad idea." She got to her feet and was back inside the house before anyone could so much as call her name.

She hid out in the room she shared with Belly, praying the other girl didn't come home for a little while longer. It was better this way. Her alone. Nobody could hate her if she just stayed out of everything. It wasn't her job to help Conrad. She wasn't his friend, she was Belly's.

Lorraine knew she was starting to spiral, that the pressure was getting to her. She wished more than anything that Steven hadn't said anything, that Conrad never talked to her, that Belly would. This trip was supposed to help her, it was supposed to be fun and carefree. She wanted to go home.

With the last of her willpower, the last inch of stability, she grabbed her phone and called Taylor.

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