Blindingly Bright

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Lorraine was sitting in the living room watching the Breakfast Club with Conrad when Taylor burst into the room, "Did you know about this?!"

As per usual, Lorraine had no fucking clue what was going on. One look at her boyfriend, smiling smugly, told her that he understood though.

"You fucking asshole! You knew!" Taylor accused, pointing at Conrad.

"Can I be in the know? Of the knowing?" Lorraine asked, even going as far as to raise her hand and lean forward so that she had a clear view of her friend.

Taylor shifted her attention towards her, "Steven just asked me out! As in dating! As in my first boyfriend since Jimmy! And Conrad knew!"

Lorraine groaned, "Don't bring up Jimmy, I had just forgotten about him."

"Who's Jimmy?" Conrad asked, pausing the movie.

"Taylor's freshmen year boyfriend. He was way older than her and would always make these borderline offensive jokes about stuff."

"He was hot, I was fourteen, sue me!" Taylor defended, pouting.

The look on her friend's face made her laugh, "He was not! If anything I'm suing him, I was too afraid to leave you alone in a room with him."

"How much older was this guy?" Conrad questioned, seemingly concerned over the morals in the story.

Lorraine turned towards him, "He was seventeen!"

"Three years is not that long!" Taylor argued, the two of them begining to fall into old patterns with this fight. Lorraine was just hoping the other girl didn't bring in vampires as an argument, she never managed to win when that happened and she hadn't come up with an articulate counter since the last time they debated the issue.

"A couple of months and he would be in jail for it!"

"We never did anything, you don't go to jail for kissing a minor. Wait, would you?" Taylor asked, shifting gears.

Lorraine shrugged, "Probably, that's like assault."


"So you and Steven?" Conrad prompted, likely having given up on understanding what they were talking about. Taylor lit up at the mention of the other boy though.

"Oh yeah. We're dating now!"

"Finally." Lorraine said, wholly unable to keep the smile from her face at the sight of her excited best friend.

Conrad, having already had forewarning of this was not partaking in the excitement, "Did he just ask you?"

"Yep." Taylor bounced on the heels of her feet, smiling proudly.

"So you said yes and then ran in here and told us?" Conrad clarified, pointing out the thing the others missed. Steven was probably very confused, Lorraine wanted to feel bad but she knew it would only be the first of many if he was going to be with Taylor for the long haul.

"Yeah. Oh. I should probably-"


Taylor's out of the room in a flash, the whole event being such a wirlwind Lorraine was half-convinced it would feel like a dream by tomorrow. Then again, Taylor was sure to remind her at every possible instance.

"How many boyfriends has she had?" Conrad asked, Lorraine was a little confused as to why he was interested.

It took her a moment to work it out, "Five, if we're counting the one she had when she was six, I think his name was Karl, and Steven."

"How many boyfriends have you had?" He continued and suddently his interest in the topic made sense. Still, Lorraine figured it was a pretty standard conversation for couples.

"Three, including you, but you're my favorite." She smiled sweetly at him before adding, "You?"

"I haven't had any boyfriends, to Jere's extreme disappointment." Conrad smirked, Lorraine just rolled her eyes.

"Girlfriends then dumbass. Partners in general." She corrected, hitting him with one of the throw pillows. Unfortunately it didn't wipe the smile off his face.

"Including you? Four."

He didn't offer any more than that so Lorraine scoffed and untilized everything she learned in her Theatre 1 class that she took in freshman year, "I'm not your favorite am I? Oh god, you hate me!"

Conrad's face softened, he leant in towards her, "Lori, you're my star. You shine so bright, I don't even see them anymore."

Lorraine was sure she looked like an idiot, smiling giddily, her face heating up and her heart doing somersaults.

She shook her head but her smile held strong undermining her point, "Shut up."


They did end up finishing the movie, a few hours later with the additional company of Jeremiah, who had come in looking for food, heard the movie and just had to claim his place as Bender despite Lorraine and Conrad's arguments.

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