Designated Driver

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Lorraine first heard about the party from Taylor. But it was Conrad who told her that Jeremiah knew the guy throwing it. She hadn't been to a party in Cousins and she was wondering how it would hold up compared to the ones back home.

"You guys are going to a party?" Belly asked, standing in the doorway of her room. Lorraine was helping Taylor pick out an outfit to further her endless mission of seducing Steven. She wasn't sure who let it slip but somehow Belly found out and now there was going to be hell to pay for all of them.

"Belly, there's gonna be alcohol there," Taylor explained, rummaging through the closet.


Lorraine looked over her shoulder at her friend, "Trust me hanging out with a bunch of drunk teenagers isn't what you would call a good time."

Belly stormed over and planted herself at the dresser, arms crossed, "I don't care. Besides, I'll be the designated driver."

"You can't drive and Lorraine's already the designated driver." Taylor held up a blue top.

Lorraine shook her head, "Do you have something purple?" It was Steven's favorite color and it went well with Taylor's complexion.

"I still want to go," Belly said.

"Why?" Lorraine asked. Just as Belly was opening her mouth to answer, Lorraine pointed at her, adding, "And don't say because everyone else is going."

"It doesn't matter. If you guys don't let me go I'll tell my mom you're going to a party with alcohol." She crossed her arms, her face resolute.

Lorraine shared a look with Taylor, "Fine, but you're not allowed to be upset when you see one of us drinking or something."

"You shouldn't do that kind of stuff in the first place."

"Belly," Taylor warned, switching into a purple top and turning to the other girl.


The boys were already there when they arrived. Jeremiah had already claimed the karaoke machine, the other two no doubt finding some kind of game to play or alcohol to drink.

Taylor made a beeline for the kitchen for some liquid courage, leaving Lorraine with Belly. She had hoped for a little free time before her babysitting duties.

Luckily, the second Jeremiah saw Belly he roped her into his antics.

The party was decent. She has seen wilder ones and this one was in no danger of getting killed by the cops, except for maybe Jeremiah's singing. She spotted Taylor talking to Steven in a dark corner of one room, so her efforts seemed to be paying off in some respect. She also had the pleasure of watching Conrad progressively get more and more intoxicated, at first he would ramble about things but after a while, he got quieter.

Eventually though, as all parties do, it died down, with most people heading upstairs or somewhere else to further things in pairs or groups.

Jeremiah texted her to tell her he had gotten Steven and Belly and was going to take them home so Lorraine began a sweep of the house for the other two.

Taylor was an easy find, Lorraine had been checking up on her throughout the night and wasn't surprised to find her pulling books off a bookshelf and muttering about boys with dark hair.

Conrad was more difficult. After situating Taylor in the backseat of the car, she headed back in to find the former football player.

"Lori." She jumped at the sound of his voice from behind her, turning to look at her boyfriend.

"Fuck, you scared me."

He frowned, looking genuinely upset, "Sorry."

She smiled and grabbed his hand, "It's okay. But we're leaving, it's like two in the morning."

He nodded but made no effort to speak again, so she led him back to the car. Taylor was passed out in the seat. Getting Conrad in and buckled was a harder ordeal but she managed eventually, shuttering to imagine how hard it would be to get him up the stairs without waking the whole house.

That too she managed, though with a lot more whispered cursing. She did feel a little bad about basically dropping him onto his bed, but she was beyond tired.

"You don't belong here, Lori." She hadn't even been sure that he was really awake. Hearing those words made her wish he had kept up the facade.

"You're too good."

And, oh. Even drunk off his ass Conrad Fisher was charming.

She was smiling all the way down the stairs.

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