Ugh I dont need school mom 🙄

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Jin Ling

The sunrise of the next day, awoke a tired but refreshed Jin Ling. It had been a long time since he had gotten proper sleep.

The sun also reminded him that it was the day he goes to Gusu.

Quickly he washed his jade like skin, in the reflection of water he saw faded eyebags at the inner corners of his eyes.

He shrugged it off and continued to change into new yellow robes. Then headed off to the main meeting hall.

There awaited his uncle and 3 Lan Juniors. None of the 3 he recognized, leaving him slightly disappointed.

"A-Ling these two will escort you to Gusu." His uncle said bluntly yet softly.

The 3 juniors bowed once they noticed him.

"I'm honoured to meet you, Jin Rulan." The Lan in the middle said.

Jin Ling bowed back and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Where are the other two brats?! They should be here!" The 5 waited a few more minutes for the 2 Jiang Clan juniors who came after a bit.

While Jiang Cheng was receiving the paperwork for Jin Ling and Jiang juniors, he hugged Jin Ling.

But he hesitated to hug him back.

"A-Ling,"— Jiang Cheng started— "Do your best, but don't overwork yourself, don't get into any fights either!"

Jin Ling nodded, and left for Gusu.

"The trip from Yunmeng to Gusu should take 5 days if we go at an average pace," the Lan who stood on the left said.

"Hey what's it like in the Cloud Recesses anyways?" One of the Jiang juniors asked.

They all conversed the next few days, all expect Jin Ling of course. Though you wouldn't think it Jin Ling was very antisocial.

He hadn't talked to many ever since he was young. He only talked if he needed information or if it was his family.

Except for those 2 Lan juniors he forgot the names of.

The trip took one day less then usual but to Jin Ling it had been an eternity. It was extremely awkward for him just to watch the other talk amongst themselves.

But he didn't show it. He pretended to be cool and nonchalant. When on the inside he was panicking about what to say.

He knew first impressions were important. He'd never make a fool of himself, not in front of other sect members!

But of course eventually he reached the city of Gusu and the Cloud Recesses.

"Woah!" One of the Jiang juniors awed. Jin Ling learned his courtesy name was Jiang Jengshi.

"This place really is different from Yunmeng, look at the mountains!" The other Jiang pointed towards a beautiful scene, this one was named Jiang Liyeng.

Caiyi town was a river situated place, having streams of water throughout the entire town. Jin Ling had been to Gusu once or twice, never did he have the time to admire the beauty of the city however.

The three Lans, Lan Suhe the one in the middle, Lan Ziyuan the one on the left, and Lan Feng the quiet one on the right, were all beaming with pride of the Gusu landscape.

It only took a few hours to finally reach the Cloud Recesses, but it was definitely a trek. At the front gates were Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen.

All of the juniors including Jin Ling bowed their heads.

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