The sum of the story

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Red riding hood...

You probably know the story.....

But there is more to every tale than meets the eye...

If you want to know the truth...

You've got to flick through the pages...

In the middle of a dense forest, There was a small cabin house. Walking out of the woods was a teenage girl with a red hood covering her brown hair and carrying a picnic basket. She knocked on the door and opened it, walking in.

"Granny?... It's me, Red... Is everything okay?" Red calls out.

"Oh, uh yeah, sure thing. come on in!" A raspy fake voice said.

The girl stepped closer to a bed that laid her 'grandma'. "What?... Who are you?"

"I'm ya, grandma."

"Your face looks, weird granny."

"I've been sick lately I uhh..."

"And your mouth doesn't move when you talk."

"Ah, plastic surgery. Grandma had a little work done... Now, come on over here. let's have a look at ya." Granny said gesturing for her to come over.

"So... What's going on grandma?" Red asked suspiciously.

"Oh, this and that, doing a lot of quilting. Sooooo, you got the goods?"

The girl noticed her 'grandma's' hands "Woah... What big hands you have."

"Oh, um all the better to scratch my back with."

She moved her attention to her 'grandma's' ears, "And what big ears you have!"

"Oh, all the better to hear your many criticisms!" snarked the 'granny' "Old people just have big ears, dear."

"And granny what big eyes you have!"

"ARE WE JUST GONNA SIT AROUND HERE TALKING ABOUT HOW BIG I'M GETTING!? You came here for a reason, didn't ya? so tell old granny what ya got in the basket."

"Ugh, granny what bad breath you have!"

"ALRIGHT!! that's it." the 'grandma' ripped off a mask to reveal a young wolf.

The girl screamed, "You again!! What do I have to do to get a restraining order?!"

"Settle down little girl I'm onto you." He jumped in front of her. The girl got into a kung-fu fighting stance.


"Leave it Red-fu you've been dodging me all day but now you might as well give up." He said getting a poker from the fireplace.

The girl screamed and ran into a living room and said, "HEEYA! You crazy wolf. What have you done to granny!?"

The wolf grabbed her arm. "I'm taking granny down and you along with her!" Wolf snaps when all of a sudden from out of the closet the real Granny hopped out tied up and gagged.



A woodsman with a large axe jumped through the window causing everyone to scream in panic.

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