Enter Flippers! and The Guys!

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"Not so fast Grizzly!" Looking at the door, they see a tall frog in a business suit with a small dog on a leash walking through the door. behind him were The former bad guys and Governor Foxington.

"That's the problem with you bears always growling up the wrong tree," He said.

On one side of the frog, the three pigs say, "Hey Nicky!" And then Bill laughed out, "Haha! You on case Nick?"

"Nope just stopping by to have a sarsaparilla. Say Tommy gotta sun leaf?"

"Uh no," Tommy admits.

"Didn't think so."

Grizzly then asked, "Nicky Flippers. What are you doing here? this is my case," and then notices the people behind him, "and why are you fraternizing with criminals?"

"Well someone hibernated on the wrong side of the cave," joked Nicky.

"And for your information, we're former criminals!" Webs snarked at the Chief.

"I saw all the lights and thought the circus was in town. Now, of course, I see I was right."

"You're too late Nicky I got this case all wrapped up!"

"Is that right?"


"They got us all wrong Mr. Flippers!" The red-hooded girl spoke up as Nicky walked towards her.

"Oh, I don't know you look pretty dangerous to me. What's your name?"

"Red," she said.

"And why do they call you that?"

"Why do they call you Flippers?"

"Uh, no reason."

"They call me red because of this red hood I wear," she replied.

"What about when you're not wearing it?"

"I usually wear it."

"Remind me why I'm here again." The blue-eyed boy said.

"Who are you then?" Flippers asked.

"Peter Puckett."

"He's my little brother," Red replies as Granny hugs Peter.

"and my grandson he has nothing to do with this. My grandbabies are innocent." Granny says as some people(Bigby) snicker.


Grizzly then shouted, "Recipes have been coming up missing all over the Forest. Goody Shops have been going out of business for months and the trail ends here, I've got a case to close!"

"Slow down, Chief. We've got four suspects, and that means four stories, and if you get people talking long enough, someone will spill the beans," Nick said.

One of the pigs then exclaimed, "BEANS!"

"Look, could I just make a phone call?" The teen wolf asks in a muffled tone before he ended up getting zapped. "Aah!"

"Hey!" shouted Mr. Wolf seeing his nephew getting hurt.

"I say why is a teenage boy in a muzzle, being zapped?"

"The wolf is a suspect and until proven otherwise will remain contained."

"I see. The electric rod is a bit much though. Ran out of straitjackets."

"Put the rod away!" Chief ordered.

Then Red spoke up, "I'll tell you what happened."

In the next room, Red, sat across from Nick as they had a tape player set up on the table.

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