The Usual Suspects

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Since the bad guys served their time in jail. Their free and enjoying a nice meal at a diner along with Diane Foxington aka The Crimson Paw they were laughing and telling stories but now came time for a more serious talk.

"Okay so now that were not bad guys anymore what are we going to do?" asked Miss Spider (WEBS)

"Was there a job you guys wanted before you became The Bad Guys?"

At this, everyone answered different careers but they could all agree they would want something they wouldn't be bored with.

"That might be tough but I'm sure you'll each find something you are very skillful at. Wolf, what about you? any plans to move forward?"

"Well, I have been thinking of seeing my nephew," he said.

"Nephew?" asked Diane curiously and intrigued since she never read anything about his relatives.

"Yes, nephew. My older sister Ramona's pup," he said to everyone.

"Oh yeah little Wolf," said Snake remembering the little pup.

"I haven't seen him since he went to boarding school. Gosh, how long has he been there now?" Mr. Shark.

"Too long, he is in his teens now," said Wolf.

"Wow that's an awkward time not knowing who you are yet trying to make it in this fickle world," said Piranha unknown to the group a frog in a suit was listening to them and decided to approach them.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Are you Ramona Wolf's brother?"

"What's it to you, Bub?" asked Wolf giving the frog a suspicious look.

"Relax Wolf let's give the frog a chance to explain himself first," said Diane as she placed a hand on his paw.

"Thank you, Governor. Sorry to interrupt your meal. But I just received word about your nephew. He has been apprehended by police for attempted eating," he informed.


"Hey, tu sobrino is following in your footprints," said Piranha drinking his beverage before he realized the situation "That's not good is it?"

"Ya Think?!" exclaimed Webs.

"Wolf are you okay?" asked Shark seeing his friend rubbing their forehead in frustration.

"Oh man," sighed Wolf, "I can't believe this is happening I finally turn my life around, and now my nephew is paying for my mistakes."

"It'll be okay Wolf, I'm sure there is an explanation to all of this," Diane says sensing his distress.

"Indeed. That is why I brought this news to you, Mr. Wolf," said the Frog.

"Why? No offense but what could you gain from telling me?"

"The truth. I believe there is more to this case than meets the eye and your nephew has gotten got in the middle of it all."

Wolf looked down at a picture of a younger him and his nephew when he was five hoping there was a way to keep Bigby from being like him. He turned to the frog, "Who are you?"

"A frog that doesn't jump to conclusions. But you can call me Nicky. Nicky Flippers," Nicky handed them his card.


Soon the police showed up and the Pucket house was surrounded.

3rd pov

Police and reporters were everywhere. A police car drove onto the scene and stopped the door opening and a bear with a police outfit came out. Reporters surrounded him.

"Chief Grizzly are the suspects inside connected with the goody bandit?"

"Yeah uh no. No, don't put that Maxine we don't know anything yet," Grizzly replied in an urgent matter.

"Is the house made of gingerbread sir!?" Another reporter loudly questioned.

Grizzly brought his hand to his chin "I don't think so I uh-"

"Did you ever eat gingerbread!?" The reporter interrupted.

"Alright, alright, alright that's enough questions, Jerry comes on get these people back!"

A raccoon stepped forward."Alright, back it up let the chief do his job! Come on you with the feathers back behind the snake, back."

Chief Grizzly walked towards a white bird policeman while mumbling to himself. "Oi Billy"

The bird turned around and exclaimed " CHIEF! "

"Alright, so what uh we got?"

They both continued to walk towards the houses. "Ah, it's just a domestic disturbance. Breaking. wielding an axe without a license. Intent to eat!"

"I get the picture, any connections with the recipe robberies?"

"You mean the goody bandit? Could be the house belongs to granny pocket."

"The cookbook lady?"

"Yeah, that's the one."

They open the door to see five people sitting on a sofa and chair handcuffed.

On the sofa was a young girl wearing a red hood with brown hair and blue eyes. Next to her was who looked to be her grandma with big white hair and glasses and next to granny was a large man with a ginger beard and a hat. Next to him was a kid with the same hair as the man.

On either side of the sofa were two armchairs on one was a wolf with brown fur. Wearing a blue hooded vest and a black long-sleeve shirt.

On the other chair was a little boy with black hair and blue eyes wearing an orange hoodie with jeans and black sneakers.

Around them were one or two policemen.

Billy then shouted, "Okay Paul Bunyan here was swinging the axe and Wolfie was trying to eat Little Bit!" He ended up pointing at the red-hooded girl. "What about the other kids?" asked Chief Grizzly "Still at school when this all went down. We just brought them in," said Bill

Then Chief Grizzly said, "Alright get a muzzle on that guy." He pointed at the wolf causing him to speak up, "Hey I can explain everything!"

"Well, you can explain it to the judge!" Grizzly countered back then looked over to the young girl.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" he asked.

The girl responded, "Shouldn't I have a lawyer?" Causing the boy to snicker.

Grizzly looked baffled then exclaimed at three pigs, "Uh, What are you doing?" The pigs immediately stopped eating goodies and turned. "Oh uh Cheif we were just uh-"

"Don't eat that! That's evidence!"


The wolf growled in the muzzle he was now wearing. "...Pigs"

"Watch your mouth!" Chief Grizzly then concluded, "Alright so this looks pretty open and shut, Little Miss Rosie capes, making covert deliveries to the goodie tycoon, Wolfie tries to eat 'em both. Then crazy flannel pants with the axe here bust in swinging vigilante style! Take 'em downtown boys!"

Then Bill steps in, "Uh, this the woods Chief. We don't have a downtown."

"You know what I mean just book 'em!" Chief orders.

"Not so fast Grizzly!"


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