A heart to heart (The bandit is...)

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Red dropped her hood as she left the house...

Gasping Peter looks to see Red walk out of the house. 

"Poor Red," Diane said.

"She's been lied to for who knows how long," Ash said.

"I wish we could help her," Peter said.


Meanwhile with the Bad Guys in the Hallway Wolf finally gets to catch up with his nephew who grew since the last time he saw him.

"So, how have you been? How's your mother?" he cringed at how that was all he could say.

"Pretty good up until now. Mom's still working. Haven't seen her since I started school only letters. You? I heard about Professor Marmalade I knew that rodent was full of it," he replies quickly.

"Yeah well, he was pretty convincing. All things considered, we've been fine. We just got out of prison."

"Yeah, I heard. So what's your next scam?"

"None. We're not the bad guys anymore," Wolf said to his skeptical nephew.

"Right? Like you said last time."

"No this is for real. And what is with this attitude you never-"

"Never what? Questioned you? Never doubted every word you say? Like one of your lackeys-"

"Hey! Watch it, kid. You have no idea what we went through!" Said Snake.

"It was an emotional rollercoaster filled with mental grief. Friendships were tried! Feelings were hurt! Trust was broken!" cried Shark.

"It's okay big Guy. You see! you see this! You got Shark all worked up!" said Webs.

"Look Bigby I know things weren't easy when Ramona passed but I tried to be there-"

"Be there? Are you kidding me? When were you ever there?"

"Hey! When your mom went out for work. I put my whole life on pause to take care of you."

"Oh, you stopped being a criminal for me for what five seconds?! Even when you were my nanny you still did your schemes. Not once did I see you and the guys go a day without having a car chase."

"I seem to recall a certain pup enjoying those car rides," commented Piranha.

"Your right Piranha, I did. Despite how dangerous it was I was happy to be with people I thought were my pack! Guess I was wrong," he said hurt by the way they just forgot about him while he was taken away to boarding school. This made the guys all look down and sad on that day not wanting to lose their little wolf.

"Bigby you know why we had to let you go! You were just a kid you didn't deserve to be dragged down with the rest of us," the wolf said thinking about that one case.

"I get it. Headlines: Bad Guys caught thanks to some snot-nosed runt screwing up!"

"That is not what I- even close to what I meant!"

"Yeah! Well, it's what I've been hearing my whole academic career!" he shouted before slumping onto the wall.

"When mom sent me to boarding school I was alone. All I ever got was teased about my size and asked about what it was like having the Big bad wolf for a parent well let me tell you it sucked," he said making them feel worse they knew how cruel kids can be.

"Lucky for me I got high scores on all my test so I was able to graduate early. That was when I meet Twitchy who helped me decide on becoming a journalist," he stood up straight, "I started working with someone who gave me a chance and saw I was more than just a runt," Bigby exclaimed.

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