Enter Teen Wolf!

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3rd person pov

Wolf's nephew sat down as Grizzly leaned into the table beside him.

"Don't I get a drink?" the young Wolf asks before being cut off.

"No!" Chief snaps.

"Well, that's rude," said Peter.

"yeah how's he supposed to get the kid to spill the beans," said Piranha.

"At least Chief Luggins had proper bedside manners," noted Snake.

"Quiet! Bad guys don't get opinions" grunted Grizzly.

"Oh! Go steal some picnic baskets," Webs deadpanned.

"So, Mr. Bigby Wolf," Nicky says from his folder, "Hmm interesting name. May I call you Bigby?" Nick asks.

"You can call me Sheila. I like long walks and fresh flowers." Bigby smirks.

"Nice," Webs chuckle as they high something.

"Quit playing around, Wolf! You're looking at three to five in an old shoe with no windows! So, start singing!" Chief orders.

"Your face looks familiar and so does yours," Flippers said pointing at Bigby and a squirrel.

"We get around the forest," Bigby replies.

"Your quite young to be by yourself though. What do you do for a living, Bigby?"

"I'm a Shepard-" he got cut off by Bill nearly hitting him with a newspaper.

"Ugh! Hey!"

"You might as well confess. I told them everything!" Red points.

"Could you keep her away from me, please?" Bigby asks not a fan of the girl.

"I remember now. Three years ago on the Stiltskin case. You were snooping around for a lead on his real name," Nick recalls.

"I was close, too. I was gonna go with "Grumble." Grumble Stiltskin." Bigby said. "Lucky it was one letter off so everything worked out,"

"Uh, wait a minute, Flippers! You saying this punk's a cop?" Chief asks.

"Worse, he's a reporter," Nick said surprising them.

"a what?!" Red asked along with the rest of the group.

"Yes and one of the youngest wolves reporters in town I might add. Very impressive," Nicky says.

"When did you become a reporter?" Wolf asks his nephew.

"Right after graduation," he says.

"When did you?"

"Can we focus on what you were doing following little red?" Chief states to the teen wolf.

"All right but let me tell you that girl is not what she appears to be, and I've got the real story." Bigby starts.


"I'm an investigative journalist. You've probably read our column Facts and Fairy Tales...

"Wait your the mysterious B.W.T. the anonymous reporter?" asked Mr. Wolf

"Reporters," he corrected. "Yes. Now let me finish. We spent the last six months undercover investigating the so-called Goody Bandit. As more recipes go missing, the trail gets hotter."

"Hahaha! And I'm talking hot coffee! HOT coffee, all over my neck. Very, very painful. You know people don't think a health board examiner doesn't live a dangerous life. But I will tell you, my furry friend, Food.is.dangerous. So that's why Earl told me to come down here and take a look at it."

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