Chapter Seventeen

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Marela Honer. I'm used to seeing her on a screen or front page of a newspaper. A funny feeling lurches in my stomach. Excitement maybe, at the prospect at meeting my crush. Or fear that Marela won't give a shit about Hara. A sleek spaceship descends from the grey sky and lands in the circle of gravel outside Harrin's house. I watch from the sitting room as Marela steps outside with a trio of bodyguards. Tight jet-black curls blow in the wind and Marela holds her hair as she disappears inside.

I turn from the window, foot tapping the tiled floor, and glance to Harrin. He flashes a polite smile. Waiting for Marela to show was agonising, our conversation slow and stilted. Anxiety makes me restless; I want to do, not wait. I'm riding a wave of adrenaline, but I've got nowhere to go, so instead my foot keeps tapping.

The tap of feet from outside the sitting room roars louder than mine, louder than my heart. Is Marela the person I need to get Hara back safely? The wooden door creaks as it opens, a man steps in first and aims a gun at me.

"What the fuck?" I snap.

"Any weapons?" he asks.

"A gun in my pocket." I glance to Harrin and he smiles apologetically.

He edges closer. "Remove your jacket."

"I can't," I say. "I've been shot in the shoulder and it's really starting to fucking hurt." Oh, actually, it really is starting to hurt. Shit.

"I'll help." He tugs my jacket from my shoulders and rummages through my pockets.

"Fuck, you're not gentle," I groan.

His invasive hands skim the length of my body, patting me down firmly. The instinct to punch his in the gut rises, but I quell the desire. For Hara. His wrist raises to his lips, and he talks into a device. "The entra is clear."

Feet tap again from the hallway. Harrin sits beside a crackling fire, rubbing his hands together. Like it's fucking cold out and we're not in the hottest continent on Arrah. Although now I think about it there is a chill in the air. My body shakes, cold never affected me like this before.

I home in on the door, on the swirling pattern in the wood grain and the black metal handle. The handle turns. The door swings open once more and this time Marela stands on the threshold. She looks at me and shakes her head. Like we know each other, and I've royally let her down. I'm used to be the disappointment, but not this soon. At least give me a few moments to get in my stride.

"You know what I said when your application came through for citizenship?" Marela says, she unbuttons her suit jacket and slips it off.

"Of course I fucking don't." I sigh.

Marela laughs, two additional bodyguards slip past her, and she slams the door shut. "I said, no. Don't allow an entra on arrah. She'll cause nothing but trouble. 'No, no,' Verta said, 'entra have changed.' Like I don't recognise the faces that are going to cause me trouble."

I throw my hands up. "How the fuck have I caused you trouble?" I move closer to the fire. Oh, that's nice. The flames warm my skin, but the chill still lingers, likes it's embedded deep within my bones.

Marela rolls her sleeves up. "I have enough on you to lock you up for a very long time."

"Lucky you." I grimace as a sharp twinge shoots from my shoulder and to my chest.

"If you help our investigation, if you model yourself into a more respectable citizen. I might let a few things slide." Marela walks closer to me.

"Wow." I frown and exhale deeply. "Didn't think Marela Honer let anything slide. Thought you were out to get everyone." I lean against the fireplace. A jutting ledge prods my upper back. Ouch. But I'm here now. An uncontrollable shiver shudders through my body and my heart races.

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