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My fist hammers the door to Ramet's house. Located in a neighbourhood I know all too well. I turn to see towers blocking the horizon. Towers so tall, so wide, some people never set foot on Arrah soil. They live, they work, and they die in those towers. I was born in the middle one. I escaped. A shudder tingles up my spine and I knock on the door again. Nothing.

I try the door, locked. She's in there, I can feel her presence. The heavens open, rain pelts me, and I pull my hood tight around my face. I walk round the side of the house with nothing but the light from the moon to lead the way. Short blades of grass glisten with fresh droplets of water. Pretty flower beds edge the green and a couple of trees bear overripe fruits. The work of a gardener, I'm certain. Ramet doesn't strike me as the sort who spends her weekends potting plants.

I stare through the kitchen window and flick my torch on. Shame she doesn't employ a cleaner too. Empty bottles fill the kitchen worktops. Take-away containers litter the floor. I push the handle down and I'm almost disappointed the door creaks open. Chilled stale air greets me as I enter, and I raise my hand to my nose. How does she cope with this?

"Hello?" I shout and fumble for the light switch. Nothing.

I walk round the corner and into the sitting room. Bare concrete floor, just one sofa and more bottles. I pick up a book left out on the sofa. Corners creased, spine aged. A picture of a scantily dressed man and woman on the front. Doesn't strike me as something Ramet would be into.

"Ahh!" I shout as a force like a ton of bricks rams into me and shoves me against the wall. A pair of grey hands hold me in place.

I stare into Ramet's black eyes, and a shudder spirals up my spine. Entra eyes are potent stuff and I always see a little too much.

"What the fuck you doing—" Ramet's hands leave my shoulders. "Fucks sake, Marela," she says in a softer tone. "What do you want?"

Ramet holds her hand up, presumably to pause my answer. She runs into the kitchen and vomits into the sink. Retching nosily, like the pit of her stomach is being torn from her body, until there's nothing left to come up.

I stare out of the window and watch the racing droplets of water descend the glass. Only turning when I hear Ramet's footsteps.

"You okay?" I ask as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and plonks on the sofa.

"OD'd. No, it wasn't on purpose. Don't fucking lecture me."

I thrust my hands in my pocket, clenching them tight. My eyes close and I take a deep breath. "So." I push my hood down and look around at all the bottles on the floor. "You just been drinking non-stop since you ditched Hara?"

Ramet holds her arms out with a grin. "What gave it away?" The smile fades. "Why you here? Since the case ended and you locked up Whyan, I'm nothing to you. So, what's changed? Regret your decision?" she says sarcastically and bursts out laughing. "You're such a fucking bitch."

I should ignore the provocation. I know what she's doing, but there's something about Ramet that makes me lose my cool. There's something about Ramet that keeps me coming back for more.

"Because I turned you down?" I snap. "Look at you, you think I want someone like you in my life? Someone who just wants to create turmoil and drama. You fucked Hara over and you think I'll put up with your shit? I respect myself far too much for that."

"Shut the fuck up!" Ramet's face scrunches into a snarl. "You don't know what the fuck happened between Hara and me. Just fucking leave, yeah? You've had a look; you can walk away high and mighty."

I sigh, what did I expect? "Who's Sorcha?"

The anger in Ramet's features fades. "What?" She leans forward and wipes her hands over her face.

I smile discreetly to myself. I hoped this would be a way in. "Got a transmission a few hours ago. Alien I've never heard of, in an entra ship and with a fucking Saskquine no less. Said you and she were old friends. She's requested temporary citizenship."

"And what did you say?"

"Nothing yet. That's why I'm here. Do I tell her to yes or no?"

"Yes," Ramet says, without a beat.

I laugh. "Sorcha has no credits, and it won't be safe for her to leave an entra ship in one of the free ports. If I'm going to allow her to stay on Arrah, I need you to step up."

"I will."

"Your place is a mess. You're a mess. Who would want to stay here? I don't even want to sit—"

"Okay! I fucking get it. I can be responsible ... I can't clean up for myself, but I can for someone else."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. "You couldn't do it for Hara." Or me.

"I saw Hara a week, a fucking week after I got out of hospital, she's back with Tonan's father," Ramet snaps, deflecting my statement. "The bitch said she didn't come to the hospital because she thought I wanted you, and I do, so guess I deserved it."

"You have pretty intense emotions, huh? In love with Hara in under a week, then me ..." I could say more, but I don't want to push it, and I didn't come here to talk over the last few months. "Look, Sorcha is going to take a month to reach Arrah ... you sort yourself out or she isn't landing."

"Marela." Ramet sighs. "I don't have many credits left. And you won't approve of the way I'm earning ... just don't ask, yeah?"

I don't ask, I already know, and I do not approve. "I'm going to help you," I say, and I walk closer. "This is it, your last chance." I lose my cool, my voice fills with emotion. "I swear if you don't keep to your word this time, if you don't quit the alcohol and drugs—"

Ramet stands and she pulls me into an embrace. "I promise, I'm going to quit. I'm going to sort myself out. You'll see," she whispers. "I've missed you."

I detach from the hug, and I hope the lingering shadows hide my eyes filling with tears. "Just not enough to change, right?" I exhale loudly and don't wait for a reply. "I'll send a car for you in the morning, it will take you to rehab." I walk to the door. "Sorcha has an entra ship, think of something legal you can use it for to make credits."

"Hey, Marela, I ... I need you," Ramet says, cautiously. "Will you stay with me? Or I won't get in that car ... I'll just drink and pass out."

The door is open, handle in my hand. A damp freshness begs me to step outside. The rain has paused. My car is waiting on the road, my empty house in the capital is far more inviting than this dump, but I sigh and shut the door. She's asked for my help, for the first time it's not me trying to foist help upon her. Whoever this Sorcha is, I'm grateful.

"Okay, let's make a start on the cleaning. Got any rubbish bags ... or cleaning supplies?"

Ramet laughs. "Of course I fucking don't. But I know a shop round the corner that's open all night. Your treat, I'm broke, and you'll have to go in, I'm barred."

I roll my eyes. "I'm regretting staying already."

Ramet strides to the back door and swings it open. "No, you're not," she grins as she slips a pair of shoes on. "You love me really." her grin descends into a sexy smirk, and she bounds away with a laugh, into the damp night air with just a vest and a pair of shorts.

The end.

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