Chapter Twenty-one

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I place Hara on the ground as sirens sound in the distance and the hum of spaceships vibrate in the air. Rain falls through the newly made skylight and wets the concrete floors. I scan the warehouse, empty but for a few of Marela's agents and Banden.

I stare at the open door flapping in the wind. Did Whyan escape? Will he evade the forces scouring the city? A crackling voice comes from one of the agents' communicators, echoing through the open space. I've never seen The Ditches so empty, at least, not on fight night.

"Whyan's been apprehended," the crackling voice says.

I'm relieved, of course. But there is a but. I just can't quite figure out what it is yet. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe the thrill of the previous week just needs to wear off. I turn to Hara; she's watching me cautiously.

"Are you hurt?" Hara asks.

Oh yeah, the fight. My nose throbs, a pulsating current of stabbing pain. I glance down to my abdomen, now a darkening shade of blue. Every inch of my body aches.

I shrug. "I'm okay." There's something more pressing I want to discuss. "Why did you leave Harrin's house?"

Hara shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I really fucked up. My father called me, he told me to drug Harrin and leave immediately, said he was sending someone to collect me. I thought I heard Tonan in the background, but it was just a recording."

"Okay ... but why was there a struggle in Harrin's office, if you knew you were being collected?"

"I didn't have long to think things through." Hara zips her jacket to her neck. "As I wrote the note, I could hear someone come up the stairs. I didn't want you or Harrin to think I'd left of my own accord. I thought if I made it look like there was a struggle, you'd know I was taken against my will."


Hara smiles. "I'm just lucky Erna was able to get Tonan out when she did. If she hadn't, I'm certain I would have been killed and they would have pinned my murder on Harrin."

I shudder and it isn't because of the haunting breeze or my lack of clothes.

The door at the front of the warehouse blusters open and Marela steps inside with a flurry of agents. A frenzy of curls haloes her head and white light spills from the ceiling, drowning Marela in its brilliance. Water drips from her chin and clothes as she marches towards Hara and I, whilst wringing out her hair.

"We did it." Marela smiles at me. "I said you'd know what to do."

"You did." I smile back and glance to Banden, sat on the floor in the corner. "What's going to happen to him?"

"Maybe I'll get my entra bodyguard after all," Marela says, with a smile. "Hara, I've got safehouse ready for you to move in. I can send an agent to collect any personal belongings from your home in the capital, but not Whyan's mansion."

"Thanks," Hara smiles. "I just need clothes for Tonan and I and can you bring his toys too?"

"Of course." Marela smiles. An agent approaches and whispers in Marela's ear as a man with a diamond topped cane walks into the warehouse. "Excuse me," she says and greets the visitor.

Hara hugs me. "You're coming with me to the safehouse ... I mean, you're living there with me, right?" She stares up at me, her eyes sparkling like emeralds.

"You want me to?"

"Of course I do! But ..." Hara bites her lip. There's always a but with her. "No drinking, and you get help."

"Okay." I nod seriously. "I'll do the work."

Hara hugs me tight, too tight for someone who's just had the shit kicked out of them. I wrap my arms around her. Maybe she really does love me. Maybe I really do love her.

"Hey." I push Hara away gently and look into her eyes. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm ..."

Hara's voice fades in my mind. Movement catches my attention. The table Hara was sat at wobbles. A hand rises, a gun aims, and it points directly at Marela's back. I run for Marela as a silent bullet exits the gun. I grab her body and hold her to my chest.

Marela's eyes widen with surprise. Guns click around me and voices shout for me to step away. The bullet punctures my flesh and embeds in my lower back. A wheeze escapes my lips as I drop to my knees and release Marela from my hold.

"I think I made a good exchange," I say as black shadows close in around Marela, and I slump forward against the ground.

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