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Tonight, there will be fireworks going off in the park near my house. I love fireworks, they're so pretty.
However... my boyfriend Mono really really doesn't. He hates sudden loud noises, they cause him to go into a panic state. Nearly every year, he says he'll be fine with going but I end up having to take him back home because he gets too scared. I care more about him anyway.

We were getting ready to go out with our friends, Rain and Six.
"Are you sure you want to go, baby?" I asked, rubbing Mono's cheek with my thumb.
"Yeah... I'll be fine I promise." He responded, staring at me with his big beautiful brown eyes.
"Really? You know I don't mind staying at home with you."
"No. I don't want you to miss out." He smiled, but it wasn't his usual happy smile. He was nervous, I could tell.
Then there was a knock at the door.
"It's unlocked." I called out. The door opened and Six and Rain walked in.
"Hey boys!" Rain smiled.
"You ready to go yet?" Six asked in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Are you really definitely sure you want to go?" I asked Mono again. He nodded.
"Oh yeah!" Rain suddenly said as she began rooting around in her bag. "I almost forgot about these." She walked over to Mono. She pulled out a pair of earmuffs from her bag. "I got these for Mono, they're supposed to cancel out noise or something. So I figured these might help him." Rain handed Mono the earmuffs.
"Okay let's go now." Six called as she walked out of the house.
"Six wait!" Rain ran after her followed by me and Mono.

We were all walking there together, but Mono seemed nervous. I grabbed his hand while we were walking.
"Are you absolutely sure you don't wanna go home honey?"
"Yeah, I'm sure... I'll be able to test if these things work." He glanced at the earmuffs in his other hand. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, making him smile too.
"I love you Mono."
"I love you too Seven."

Eventually, we made it to the park.
"Just in time, they're about to start it." Rain was smiling. Mono took a deep breath and put the earmuffs on. He snuggled up into my chest and I wrapped my arms around his waist.


It was nearly time. I was starting to get really scared. I nuzzled into Seven's chest as he wrapped his arms around me.
He's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.
I held my breath in fear. Then when the firework went off it only sounded like a quiet pop. I looked up and just... wow. I knew I was smiling like an idiot. Seven kissed my cheek and smiled at me. I stared at the sky in amazement. It was so beautiful. All the colours looked amazing, like it was painting the sky.


Mono had a huge grin on his face. I was so happy he was enjoying it.

When it was over, Mono was smiling all the way home. I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable it was.
We got home and said goodbye to the girls.
"Did you have a good time?" I asked, smiling at my gorgeous boyfriend.
"Yes of course I did! I'm so happy I didn't stay home. It was amazing!" He had a sparkle in his eyes, I know that means he's excited. Then he yawned.
"Do you want to go to bed now sweetie?" I asked, pulling him into my arms.
"Yeah... I wanna snuggle with you~" he said sleepily.
"You're adorable." I picked him up bridal style and carried him to bed. 
I placed him down and lay next to him. He held his arms out for a hug.
"Cuddle?" He asked with a little smile on his face. I smiled back and I fell into his arms and wrapped mine around his waist.
"Goodnight baby." I kissed his lips.
"Night..." He was barely able to mutter before he basically went out cold.
So cute... I thought as I brushed some hair away from his face. I pulled his closer to me and held him till I fell asleep too.
Happy bonfire night ig lol (and if ur reading this in the future, it was bonfire night when I wrote this, hence all the firework stuff haha)

I'm not a huge fan of the loud sounds fireworks make, but I love the pretty colours 😍

Will write more in this book eventually haha


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