~My Gift For You~

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My family was never really huge on celebrating Christmas. We'd pick names out of a hat and give that person a present, but it was never a huge celebration like for some people. If you take away the gifts, it was like any other family gathering. Just me, my parents and my sister, Six.

When Mono was younger, his parents were never really around so he'd never had someone to celebrate with other than his best friend Rain, but even then all they did was make a fire and sit around it telling each other stories as a way to celebrate. He had a vague idea of what Christmas was and that it was special, but had never really celebrated it.
Since Mono is my boyfriend and it's our first Christmas as a couple, I figured I'd get him a gift.

We were walking past a street with Christmas decorations and Mono was watching in awe.
"They're so pretty..." he muttered under his breath.

A large gust of wind brushed past and Mono shuddered.
"Hey, why don't you come a bit closer?" I held my hand out to him. His cheeks flushed a little bit as he took my hand and huddled closer to me, nuzzling his face into my jacket sleeve. It's kind of adorable that after nearly 7 months of dating, he still gets all flustered when I show him affection. Especially when we kiss. He looks like he's going to pass out from how red he gets.

When we finally made it home, we sat down on the sofa together just snuggled up to keep warm.
"I wish we could stay like this forever... I-I love being around you." Mono mumbled.
"Me too..." I placed my finger under his chin and pushed his head up so he was looking up at me. "...my gorgeous boy."
His face went bright red as he buried it in my chest.
"Shut up..." He said into my chest, making me laugh.

"Oh, baby." I said, making Mono sit up, still red in the face. "I uhm, got something for you, yknow since it's Christmas. I know you haven't really celebrated it before, but uh, since we're dating and such I just thought, well, it might be nice- okay I'm gonna shut up now." Mono giggled, making me blush. I stood up and went to get it for him.

"It's probably a bit cheesy and... not the most extravagant thing, but I thought it might be nice." I said as I handed him the gift.

It was two necklaces each with charms on them, 'M' and 'S.' Mono was staring at them with a slight blush grazing his cheeks.
"Yeah I know it's stupid, but I just thought a sweet little something would be nice. I-if you don't like it I can-" Mono leaped into my arms for a hug.
"Are you kidding babe? I love them! They're so sweet." Mono pulled away to give me a kiss on the cheek. I was definitely blushing.
"Here, let me put it on for you." I took the necklace with the 'S' charm and lent around the back of his neck to tie it up. After I was done, he did the same for me.

"Thanks Seven... I feel bad that I didn't get you anything." Mono looked down sadly.
"It's alright baby, you being here and being happy is enough for me." I placed a kiss on his lips.

I lay back and patted my chest, which made Mono crawl over to me and lie on my chest.
We fell asleep like that, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.
Merry Christmas to all of you and if you don't celebrate Christmas then happy holidays to whatever you celebrate!!

If my partner did this for me I'd literally marry them I can't be the only one who thinks it's really sweet-

I feel like I don't tell you this enough, so I'm gonna say it now... I love you :) 💕


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