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Dex looked around, nervously. Ever since they'd arrived, Dex couldn't keep the horrific memories away. 

Him, laying uselessly on the ground while Sophie grunted in pain before him. His hand extended, determined to reach her and assure her he was okay. Her skin was paling and she seemed to be in pain. 

Until, she wasn't. She had stopped grunting and groaning. Her face, peaceful. And this had scared Dex. Had she died? Was she okay? 

Luckily, it was only a memory. As, being back at the familiar sight had dredged up many of horrific thoughts and memories. 

A few years back, Dex remembered how helpless he had felt. 

The Neverseen had wounded him to the point where Sophie had to literally carry him and risk fading away just for him. And despite how long it had been since, Dex couldn't help but feel the smallest hint of guilt. 

Though, he was sure everyone felt like that now that Sophie was gone.

Dex shook the thoughts from his head as he turned to Fitz, beside him. The Neverseen had insisted on them bringing only three people. And of course, Mr. Forkle was one of them. Fitz had also volunteered, seeing as Keefe couldn't. They'd thought it best to keep his presence a secret just in case. As to why Dex was there, he didn't know. He felt so out of place.

"Where are they?" Fitz asked, tapping his foot impatiently. After a long and deep discussion and planning, Mr. Forkle had settled on who would be going to speak with the Neverseen.

Fitz, just in case they'd needed to contact Sophie. Mr. Forkle, for obvious reasons. And Dex. Keefe was too valuable to risk handing him over to the Neverseen, and Biana would be much more useful as secret backup. Only to step in if things went haywire, which they probably would. He glanced over in the direction Biana would be hiding at. 

Like it should be, he saw nothing there. 

"We'll need your gadgets for backup. And no one knows what gadgets we'll need better than you." That had been Mr. Forkle's excuse as to why Dex was tagging along. But, Dex couldn't complain. He'd been feeling too much like a background character lately. And he was glad he could be involved in Sophie's rescue. Even if it didn't happen today. 

"You're here," Grinned a voice from behind. Everyone spun around to meet a single hooded figure. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" Fitz spat, and Dex admired him for his courage. Dex on the other hand, was struggling just to keep his cool, squeezing one of his devices in anger. 

"What I want- I will get to in a moment. As for who I am, I am Illusion." Fitz scoffed at the nickname, while Dex thought it sounded ominous and wondered what that meant. Was this "Illusion" person someone with special abilities? 

"I see you're intrigued, Mr. Dizznee." Dex's face twisted into a scowl, "I can see the wheels turning in your head," she clarified. As if it made a difference. 

"See, I am a Flasher. But, over my many years of training I have developed the ability to bend light, creating images and illusions." Mr. Forkle didn't seem impressed, from what Dex could tell. 

"Wha- what do you want?" Dex asked, trying to mimic Fitz's confidence. 

"What I want," she grinned, "Is to make a deal." 

"Explain," Mr. Forkle ordered. And Dex had never seen been so scared of Mr. Forkle as this moment. From the way he stood as if he were on top of the world. The way he snarled and the way his eyes bored into Illusion's. 

"Well, I want you to hand over the council. And to stop coming after us."

"And if we comply?" Mr. Forkle asked. Dex did a double-take. Was he really considering it? 

"If you don't comply," the figure corrected, "Well, let's just say you'll regret it. A lot." Despite not seeing the person's face, Dex knew they were wearing the same wicked grin all villains wore when they were plotting something truly evil

"Be specific," Fitz growled, his face reddening with anger. The figure just laughed.

"So, I want the entire council right here tomorrow morning by eight. No tricks. And, if you comply, and don't come after us, well, you already know." Dex frowned. Did this person think they knew? Because they didn't know. They didn't know anything

But before Dex could argue, the hooded figure was gone. 

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