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Fitz's blood boiled beneath his skin, turning it a red hue. Alvar was back. Not only that, he'd kidnapped Sophie.


"Where is she?" Keefe demanded beside Fitz. A pang of guilt stabbed Fitz's heart. He'd been thinking about Alvar and his traitorous self. While Keefe was thinking about Sophie. He'd been thinking about Sophie. 

Maybe Biana was right. Maybe Keefe was better for Sophie. But, a rebellious fire sparked in Fitz. Telling him he needed to fight. Fight to earn Sophie's trust back. Her love. 

As he thought, he remained silent; keeping his eyes trained on his brother as they waited an answer to Keefe's question. 

Sadly, the closest they got to a response was a twisted laugh and crooked grin. 

"No reason to worry," Alvar promised, "She's safe." 

"That's not an answer!" Keefe spat, and Alvar laughed again.

"It is an answer. Just not the one you want." 

"It isn't an answer," Fitz argued, rolling his eyes, "It's information. Keefe asked for Sophie's location." 

"So picky. Knowledge is knowledge, is it not?" 

"It's not," Fitz snarled. 

"Puppeteer?" Alvar turned to the masked woman, who grinned from beneath her hood. 

"Play time," she cooed to her puppet and gesturing to Keefe and Fitz. 

Run. Fitz transmitted. Both boys dodged different ways before scrambling to their feet and rushing towards the nearest exits. 

But the puppet was quicker, splitting itself in two and blocking both exits. 

"Surrender now, and he won't chew at your limbs." 

Keefe turned to Alvar.

"Is she joking?"

"I know she's crazy," Alvar laughed, earning a deathly glare from the woman, "But she's not a liar." 

Keefe was frozen in surprise-- but only for a moment. The shadow-like monster was heading straight for him, and Fitz couldn't watch his best friend get mauled to death. So, with telekinesis, he shoved Keefe out of the way just in time.

The two boys darted across the room and back like crazed monkeys to escape the beast, only outrunning it by a two meters at most. They needed an escape. Being in an enclosed space was not the best place to play tag. Especially if your lives were on the line. 

Follow me. Fitz transmitted to his friend, but he couldn't tell if Keefe had heard or not. He couldn't risk looking back and slowing himself down. Luckily, Keefe managed to meet up with Fitz as they dodged a flying chair thrown into their path. 

Fitz kept his eyes trained on the wall before them. Would it work? Was he strong enough to do it? But there was no time for self doubt now. 

Gathering all the stored energy he could, Fitz grabbed the nearest table and watched as Keefe did the same. 

On the count of three... Fitz instructed as the neared the wall. A loud screeching sounded behind them, spiking the anxiety already coursing through Fitz. And he hesitated. But only for a moment. 


Fitz jerked to the floor as the beast swung his goo-like claws at Fitz's head. He ducked, the beast missing him by a hair. 


"Is this a good idea!?" Keefe screamed, straining to keep hold on the larger chair he'd snatched with his telekinesis. Fitz didn't answer. This was it. The moment of truth.


Both boys flung the furniture at the wall, wondering how sturdy it really was. It didn't break. Not right away. Fitz kept hold on the chair, knocking through it and shoved it until the cracked wall burst open and both Fitz and Keefe leapt from the room. Out of breath and tired. But they were free. 

But their relief was quickly taken away as their hearts began to pound their chests, warning them of a most certain death by fall. Wind rushed past them, a loud roaring in their ears. But Fitz wasn't sure if it were the beast above, disappointed he wouldn't get a meal. Or the wind as they fell. 

Fitz forced himself to levitate, ignoring the pulling feeling in his stomach as he did. Keefe followed his example, though despite how they had slowed to a much smoother pace, Keefe's screaming didn't cease. 

"Keefe!" Fitz shouted, and Keefe's mouth snapped shut.


"We're not falling," he reminded, and Keefe turned to look below.

"Do you expect me not to scream? I mean- we just escaped certain death from a beast and then fell almost a-- actually I don't know how far, but a lot of meters-- so, I'm allowed to scream." 

And his screaming resumed. Fitz laughed, despite how only seconds ago, they'd been about to meet their demise. 

If it were the end of the world, Fitz would want to spend his remaining time with Keefe. And Sophie, of course. But Keefe would keep Fitz laid back and entertained during whatever apocalypse. Make him laugh, not worry about death. 

Finally, their toes touched the ground with a soft plop!- and Fitz let out a long breath of relief.

And Keefe's screaming finally ended. For good. 

"What now?" Keefe asked. Fitz locked his jaw, his eyes narrowing. 

"We're going to find Biana."

Thanks for letting me know about my mistake!! 😅 I fixed it, I dunno if it showed up tho...(with Frost, yeh, I meant Squall. Sorry for the mistakes!!)

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