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"I don't care what the stupid plan is!" Fitz ranted, and Dex flinched at the sudden raise in volume. "Biana's mind is broken and Sophie's still stuck with the Neverseen!"

"It's not all worthless, though," Linh tried, wincing as she stood to comfort him. Her body was pretty banged up, covered in burns and bruises from impact after the big explosion. 

"How?" Stina asked. After learning about Biana, the council had called a meeting that included all remaining members of the Black Swan, and the parents. Alden and Della, however, had opted to stay home while Biana recover from the comfort of her bedroom. "Fitz is right," Stina continued. "The Black Swan's adults are all gone, Sophie-- the Moonlark-- is still gone. All we've got to show for it are some flowers to replace Biana." 

"Those flowers are something important to the Neverseen," Tam reminded from his corner. "Why else would they have an entire room full of them?" 

It was true, Dex thought, nodding his agreement. The flowers were their best chance at finally defeating the Neverseen once and for all. 

"Maybe they're tired of being the bad guys and wanted to try gardening?" No one laughed at Keefe's joke, and even he seemed to know it was too soon. "Sorry," he mumbled. 

"Anyways," Marella said, drawing everyone's attention to her. "No matter what any of you think, we need a plan. So, any ideas?" 

No one said a word, instead glancing around the room in awkward silence. 

"Well," Oralie finally said, her voice as warm and optimistic as ever, "we know, that despite our careful planning, every time the Neverseen manage to always stay a step ahead--"

"A million steps ahead," Dex mumbled, pouting from his own corner. Biana was gone. Broken. Shattered. And ever since the news had got out that the great Biana Vacker's mind was broken, Dex had taken it upon himself to wait by her bedside every day. And, in secret, he'd even visit in the middle of the night. Fitz, on the other hand, couldn't bare to look at her anymore. He avoided her room at all costs, and the only time he'd talk about her was during one of his daily rants, which would always end the same way: "I don't have anger issues." 

He said that a lot now, Dex had noticed. 

"--the whole Lost Cities," Oralie finished, and while the Black Swan seemed to cheer at the idea, the rest of the council seemed to sneer in disgust. 

"Um," Dex squeaked, "what?" 

Keefe swung an arm around Dex's shoulder, laughing as he explained Oralie's idea. It seemed that, while Dex had been lost in his daze, the entire mood had shifted into a more hopeful, optimistic spirit-- something only Oralie's warm energy could've done. 

"Wait," Dex said, trying to wrap his head around the craziness Keefe had just explained, "Oralie wants to fight the Neverseen head to head? Without a plan?" 

Keefe nodded. 

"But- But she's a councillor! Councillors hate doing things like that!"

"We do," grumbled a familiar voice. Bronte. "Oralie, it appears, isn't on the same page as the rest of us." 

"This is insane!" Councillor Alina said, stomping around the room in a fit. "The entire Lost Cities? And we're doing this without a plan?"

"No," Councillor Emery said, at the same time Oralie replied "yes", with a smile. 

"Nothing has been decided," Emery clarified, sending a chilling glare in Oralie's direction. 

"Our plans, no matter how long we take, never work. The Neverseen are always steps ahead. Think about it! Because we take so long to plan that they already have something set up by the time we've even figured out the clues they've left us!" 

"We need something spontaneous and unexpected," Marella agreed, a thrilled sparkle in her eyes. "Oralie's idea is perfect! Not even you expected it Oralie's idea! And you're on the council right alongside her!" 

"Not for long," Councillor Alina grumbled, and the buzz in the room immediately died down into a confused silence. 

"What do you mean?" Oralie asked, brows furrowed. All eleven council members shared looks, before Councillor Emery finally spoke up. 

"Oralie," Emery said, "we'll try your plan." Oralie's lips twitched into a smile, but not enough to fully form as they shrank back into a frown under Emery's glare. 

"You've all decided this?" she asked, unable to keep the disbelief from her voice. "Without me? Important decisions must always be made with all twelve councillors!" 

Though the decision was what Oralie had wanted, Dex knew it was Alina's words that had brought on this outburst. 

"That was the case," Alina said with a grin. "Until something came up." 

A long silence filled the air, and it seemed as though everyone were holding their breath in suspense. They probably were, as, Dex hadn't realized he'd stopped breathing until he'd thought this. 

"What- What came up?" Oralie asked, tears stinging her eyes before anyone could even answer. 

"Councillor Oralie," Emery declared, "we as a council, hereby revoke your title as a council. We will go through with this idea, but after that, you may pack your things."

"We'll want the tower back," Alina added with a nasty grin. 

Dex's blood boiled. Oralie was being fired? She'd done nothing but support the Black Swan! Support Sophie! 

"You- You can't be serious," Oralie said, a single tear falling from her azure blue eyes. 

"Fine," Dex growled, "but if her plan works, you have to let her back on." Oralie turned to Dex in surprise, but gratitude carved into her perfect, fairy-like features. 

"Thank you," she mouthed, and Dex nodded. But his skin still prickled with disgust for the council, and he squirmed knowing she couldn't quite thank him yet. The plan was risky, so it wasn't a sure thing, and even more, the council hadn't even agreed.

"Fine," Bronte said, before anyone else could answer. Emery was taken aback by Bronte's quick response, but Dex knew Bronte had been more supportive of Sophie lately, and wondered if this was one of those times. 

"Thank you," Oralie said, giving Bronte a thankful smile. Dex scoffed inwardly, knowing she shouldn't be thanking anyone. She shouldn't have been fired in the first place. 

Still, they'd agreed to the plan, and while it was risky, it was the smartest plan Dex believed they'd ever had. 

"Now," Oralie said, turning back to the rest of the Black Swan, "let's put this plan into motion!"

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