~c h a p t e r 2~

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Mitch finally pulled up to the gas station to bring you home. Her silver Nissan crushed the freshly fallen snow.

"About time," you whined, "What took you so long?"

She chuckled at your childish tone and said, "I'm sorry, Y/N. It took me a while to get my car to start up because it's so cold!"

"Don't worry, it's okay." you grinned, "I was just messing with you."

The two of you sat silently in the car, slightly cramped from your luggage. Mitch's car hummed along the snowy roads with ease until she was stopped by a red light.

"So? How do you feel about the Valley?" She asked, breaking the awkward silence. 

You tilted your head upward in thought for a moment, "It's okay. At least by what I've seen."

"You haven't run into some weird realtor have you?"


Mitch looked at you, a skeptical expression lacing her features.

"Okay. There was this one guy, but I don't think he's a realtor," You admitted. Her expression changed. it seemed a little more worried than before. You explained your encounter with 'John Doe'  and how he didn't let go of your hand after you helped him off the floor. He smiled at you, and his pupils were barely visible in his gigantic, jaundiced eyes. Just the mention of the topic made you shudder.

"Yeah... That's definitely  weird." she said, "Hopefully you don't run into that creep again."

You nodded in agreement. The rest of the car ride was taken over by a comforting silence. You were glad Mitch didn't continue asking questions about your weird encounter. All it would have done was stress you out more.

"Alright, we're here." Mitch sighed. You could tell she was exhausted.  Her cramped work schedule combined with your arrival in the Valley must've completely drained her.

You stepped out of the car, gathered your small amount of things, thanked Mitch for helping you out, and brought your things inside. Your apartment was pretty spacious for the price of the rent.  You watched her car leave the apartment complex for some reason. You weren't sure why, but for some reason you didn't want to see her go.

You looked at your phone, 4:27 AM, "God(s), it's late!" You thought.  You eyed your luggage, contemplating if you should unpack now or wait until tomorrow and get some rest. You decided the latter and unpacked your things so you didn't have to worry about the task the next day.  

 After about an hour, you were finally able to plop down on your small bed and relax. You slept peacefully that night, barely stirring from your sleep to get a snack or a glass of water. You didn't feel as if any eyes were on you, or the weight of having a ton of things to do the next day. All you had to do now was rest and relax. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

yoooo wassup yall! hope your doin well. im sorry this chapter was kinda boring, but i promise it will get more interesting as time passes! tysm for reading and i will see ya in the next chapter. Stay safe and stay hydrated!!

Keo signing out :)

~𝖎 𝖓 𝖋 𝖆 𝖙 𝖚 𝖆 𝖙 𝖎 𝖔 𝖓~ John doe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now