~c h a p t e r 3~

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Your job was terrible. Plain and simple.  You just started working there a week ago, and the red flags were already dropping like rain. Your boss was a perv, and your coworkers were even more of a pain in the ass.  Your entire shift consisted of being insulted for no reason and being hit on constantly.  

You sighed in exasperation. Just one more hour, Y/N. Then you can go home. 

No one was coming in to buy anything besides truck drivers stopping for a quick rest. You decided to sweep the cold tile floors. The music playing in your ears made the time seem to pass faster and distract you from the task at hand. You danced around and hummed softly to the music in your ears. 

¨Wait,¨ you flipped of your headphones ¨what  the f*ck is that?¨  

What you saw was a weird black hairball sitting in the corner, staring intently at you, its pupils dilated.  You and the weird hairball creature stared for what seemed like hours.

You lightly placed down the broom and walked over to the little ball in the corner.

¨Hey, little guy,¨ You cooed. To your surprise, it squeaked in response. As confusing as it was, you couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable that this little ball of hair could speak-- or squeak.

You thought for a moment. ¨You know what, you're coming home with me. we're friends now.¨      It squeaked again like it was happy with your decision. You chortled and gingerly picked up your new 'friend'  with one hand and set it on one of the shelves in the store so you could sweep up your dust pile into the trash.

Once your shift ended, you grabbed your things and scooped your friend whom you ended up naming Splinters into your hands. 

Since you didn't have a car, you waited for the bus in the frigid cold. You seriously needed one, especially in this intense weather, but your job barely paid anything so the bus was all you had for now. You had to be grateful though, it could definitely be worse.  


You flopped down onto your bed, completely exhausted. You didn't bother taking a shower, you just slipped into clothes more comfortable before completely passing out on your bed holding Splinters close.

The hairball carefully wiggled out of your grasp and hopped off the bed. His original form was replaced by a more human one. He leaned over your sleeping face, grinning wildly with hearts in his large eyes.

 ¨ ꜱ ᴡ ᴇ ᴇ ᴛ  ᴅ ʀ ᴇ ᴀ ᴍ ꜱ ,  ᴍ ʏ  ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ~ ¨


Heyyy wassup!! sorry for my hiatus yall, my mental hasn't been the best lately. But i haven't left yall, I promise!! I think updates will be a little slower, maybe every two weeks. Anyways, I hope yall enjoyed this chapter, it was definitely longer than the previous ones. Yall stay safe and drink water!! Luv yall<3

~𝖎 𝖓 𝖋 𝖆 𝖙 𝖚 𝖆 𝖙 𝖎 𝖔 𝖓~ John doe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now