~ c h a p t e r 7 ~

544 10 8

(A/N: This chapter gets a bit spicy, bare with me yall.)


Splinters is acting differently now. Ever since the interaction with the Realtor, he's been acting as your shadow; Following you almost everywhere, making sure he's close enough behind you that you can feel the coldness of his body on your shoulders.

You keep asking,

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you acting so weird?"

"Are you ok?"

He keeps answering,

"I'm okay."

"I'm making sure you're safe."

"Nothing's wrong."

His wide, toothy grin has become unsettling, and his eyes seem to cast a spell of paranoia on your mind.

You make it home, and Splinters follows close behind, through the door, and into your bedroom.

Every movement you make he copies. you sit down, he sits down. You stand up, he stands up. And he keeps his eye on you the whole time.

Just like a mirror.

"Splints, what is your problem?" You ask. Your tone came out as mean, rather than concerned.

"Nothing's wrong," He says with a deceitfully sweet smile, "I just want to keep you safe."

"Splinters, we're at home, you don't have to keep me safe." You argue.

There was a long pause. Nothing but silence as you stare deeply into his big eyes. The hair on your neck sticks up straight as you wait for an answer.

"John Doe." He blurts.


"Call me John Doe."

You tilt your head to the side in confusion. "Like... What the FBI calls missing people?"

"Sure," He says as if that's normal.

You look at him, puzzled. You try your hardest to figure out what's gotten into him all of a sudden. 

The stupid grin on his face has fallen slightly, and it doesn't make you feel any better about the situation.

Your gaze shoots from his face to your hands. You can still feel his eyes burning into the side of your face. 

"Splint-- I mean, John Doe... Can you at least tell me what's gotten into you all of a sudden?" You mumble. "You've never acted like this before today..."

John Doe's grin grows, and it seems a little wider than usual.

There's a slight blush on his face; something you've never noticed before.

"Ever since I met you at that gas station..." He pauses, finally breaking eye contact with you. "I guess I've become a little fond of you. Maybe a little too much..."

You look back at him, your eyebrows knitted together. Those last  five words... Caught you by surprise.

"...You wouldn't have brought me home with you if you didn't feel the same way, right?" He asks, locking his wide eyes with yours.

You weren't sure how to respond. You brought him home thinking he was a pet, you weren't in love with him, were you..?

"Right?" He repeats himself again, desperation is evident in his voice. He scoots closer to you, his nose brushing against yours slightly.

He doesn't give you time to respond, "SAY IT. You love me right? I know you do. Just say it."

"O-Okay, Splinters, chill out for a minute--" 

You pull away from his face for a second, only for him to pull you back and trapping you under his cold body.

His hands are on the bed sitting at the sides of your face; and his legs trap your hips under his, keeping you from moving.

"You know my name now. Use it." He sneers. You can feel his breath fanning onto your face.

He's still grinning wildly as you look up at him helplessly. He's breathing heavily as he waits for an answer. He's not going to let you go until he gets one.

The answer that he wants.

What do you say? You care about him, you really do. But are your feelings towards him really romantic? Maybe. You had never thought about these things until now.

You let out a small breath, "Okay, I... I do like you a little bit, but--"

"Oh, I knew it!" he shouts, "I knew you just love, love, loved me!"

He grabs your face and presses his cold lips against yours. Moments pass before he backs away.

"You have no clue how happy I am," He grins "We can be together forever and ever, nothing will ever keep you away from me."

He looks at you from above with a lovesick expression. Eyes wide, a massive grin, and his face redder than you've every seen it.

The past few minutes have barely registered in your head. All you can think is, 'What the hell is happening?'


Ok, I have an idea for the next chapter, but it's like-- rlly spicy, so tell me if yall want another spicy chapter or if I should chill on that for a while

luv yall, drink water <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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