Humankind used to ruin the ecosystem. . . That was until SHR (Solar Human Resources) made an invention called Solar Energy-I know, not very original. The solar panel is connected to our body systems which makes it possible for our energy to come from sunlight. Since this invention, pollution and extinction percents have decreased by 89%. Solar Panels were invented in the year 2143, the year is currently 2243. This week they are celebrating their 100 year anniversary by shooting off fireworks from the factory. The factory is protected by a dome that filters air pollution and makes it clean because the Solar Panel factory is the only factory still standing. Now, you would think that Solar Panels would cost a lot of money but once a baby is born they only cost around $100, repairs and replacements are completely free of charge. You probably don't want to hear me talk on and on about Solar Panels and you are probably waiting for the actual story to start, well then, let us get on with it.